I need help please

I want it so when a player gets ko they respawn somewhere else then from the game started. I haven’t found a solution yet

Well then, this should work. What I made respawns the player, then moves them to a teleporter based off of the value of the property on the first possible frame.

If you have 2 spawn pads then one team 1 and one team 2 have a ko manger and make it wired to a trigger with player only then wired team switcher and switch to team 2. I think that should work

How many different places do you want to spawn into?

Okay. I ran some tests, and I learned a few things about psuedo properties.

  1. My setup:

2 Starting inventories (Grant 1 bait, grant 2 banana),

2 IIM changing the same propetry, QWE.
Trigger → popup and trigger → item granter. One to see the property, and one to physically see it in item form.


The last item that you got is the one that the property sets to. This also applies to build mode, where ADO comes into play. The last Starting inventory messed with is the one the property originally sets to.

So giving someone an item and then taking it away gets us tue property we want. Item granters are sooooooo OP now.

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I told you from the start…

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They just became #1

Properties are #1, and item granters are 2nd, and I think it would be relays/triggers in third.

Item granters and properties a really close now due to pseudo properties

Item granters were already were #1 due to psuedo teaming requiring no properties.

Well, numerical pseudo-teaming might have put properties a bit ahead.

You still don’t need properties for NPT.

I know properties are good, but I just don’t like that the main way to use them requires an entire sentry of storage just to quickly add two to them.

The difference between properties and item granters:
The difference between item granters and third place:

That's a big difference.
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No. You do. Also, you can use scope to cut down on properties.

Yeah, and properties are just Ws in general.

How much memory is a property?

Why do you need properties for NPT?

To get the team number. Any sort of computation requires properties.

10, with a limit of 128.

However, the main use for properties, blocks, take up 500 memory per.