I Need Help on Making Among Us Tasks

Hello, Gimkiters! This is my first post, and I need help. I’ve been making steady progress on an Among Us map, but there are a lot of things that I’m confused about. I’m done with most of the actual layout of the map and the vents, (many thanks to @NavyCatZ and @Im_Pretty_Cool) but I don’t know how to make the tasks. I am making the original map, which I’m pretty sure is called The Skeld. Any ideas?

Check the among us tag and the resources.


Thank you! I’ll keep all ya’ll on how the map goes. Here’s the current progress.



Welcome to the forums, @LandynSPEEDO802 !


Thank you, @CassiusDoomlorde ! I’ve been considering joining for a while, but never been able to until now

Glad you can come and discover here!

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Remember to mark a solution and welcom to the community.


Just did. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll get used to it eventually. And who knows? I might end up doing a guide for the map!

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Also, check out @WolfTechnology 's guide on how to make the Among Us map! It is very detailed and informative!

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