I need help on a new thumbnail

It’s a snowy battle between the good guy’s and the imposters

Could you provide more detail? Use this Thumbnail Request Format


Snowy winter imosters are cursed trying to get other cursed

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So could you help me

Yeah, once im done with the other

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so, you want a snowy map with bad guys and good guy??? It may take me a bit to cook something up, but I can do it.

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Thank you so much

luv u guys

May I also create? I am not the best, but I can find some help from my brothers to create the best possible one.

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Yes you can, Take your time

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Do you want any specific details, gims, etc.?

no just do your best


did anyone do a thumbnail

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if you did a thumdnail post it please and thank you

It takes a little bit of time, but I’m sure someone will have one done in some sort of way in a little bit. Don’t worry, we will get you one!

its fine I can wait luv u guys

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I like the “Snowy Survival” like concept
I’ll make one!


thankyou so much i appeciate it

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