I need help making a game mode based off of Fortnite

here is my progress is there any way someone can help me I’m desperate

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Welcome to the forum, @giox310 !!

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What specifically do you need help with? Also, make sure to delete the code that’s showing in the screenshot as they are not allowed here. Welcome to the forum!

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thank you thats nice.

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Well you can use this for loot crates, (I don’t play Fortnite sorry,)

Do you have a battle royale style knockout system. If not you will need to add it. It is an extremely important aspect of Fortnite and similar battle royal games.

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Here’s how to make a player a ghost when they die! How to Make a Battle Royale Game - #2 by tprai

sorry it’s just I need help with it all and im looking for talented people to help me make it a true game.-gio

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Here are some things that may help.

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By the way, you don’t need to sign off your posts (like saying -navycatz) since your profile already shows up on the post.

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Well first, is there something specific that you don’t know how to do?

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do you know how to make one im new to making this and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.

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Check coral’s post. It has a post linked with the ko system.

Yes just use those guides and your game should be fine. (At least the mechanics.)

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Wait so in my guides this isn’t allowed?

See you next time! Coral out :coral:

im extra and i for some reason felt the need for that.

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It should be fine, since it’s pretty minimal. @giox310 , that isn’t allowed according to the TOS. Anyway, once there are enough answers for your question, mark a solution by clicking the solution button under the best answer.

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Everything you need is in 1 of our comments, if you found these helpful, please mark a solution!
Don’t see yours, sorry @NavyCatZ

hey coral do you know how to make teams?

Yes! Set the mode to free for all