I need help in Gimkit Creative!

Is there a way to know how many of the [resource] and set a “If there is 10 resource in bank, activate this”

You might be able to utilize a counter device and set a target value that will transmit on a channel when reached. Does that help?

If u have any other GKC questions, feel free to check out my Gimkit blog here. This is on topic btw because it’s about Gimkit and I’m offering help.

Thank you so much! I’ll try it out! (I love the Gimkit community, so wholesome!)

No problem, @JiemongPingPong . If u check out my blog and try the chat box, just say what your GKC forum username is.

Another question, is it possible to make the targeted amount for the counter dynamic to the amount of players? Ex: When there are two players then 20, 3 players 30, 4 players 40.

Yes, I think so

This should help:

If I know how many players there are, how do I make the number of resources required change accordingly?

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You know you could just write a bunch of different letters under and then use < and > on either side. If you have a cap.
Ummm, IDK let me try something out.

Please :pray: stop advertising your website!


What do you mean by “just write a bunch of different letters under and then use < and > on either side?”

Like < jaskadkajdakdakdjkajdka > but without the spaces inbetween < and the letter, try it out, it works

So I write some random letters, in the “targeted number” section of a counter surrounded by “<>” these things?


Oh, sorry. I don’t mean to advertise - I just mean to help people more and I can’t be on the forum as much as I can be on my blog.

Just use a vending machine and turn on funding
for compound interest, u have to use like 10 player counters and ten vending machines, each of them target is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 make them activate one of the vending machines and deactivate the previous one


vending machines wont work because I want everyone to deposit, not just one person.

it just turns back to 10.

You could use the funding feature.

what is that? (I’m just here to fill the text requirement)

It’s a setting in the Vending Machine.