I need help for a thumbnail for my game!

I can make one by 3 probably

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You can always count on fluffy to make an amazing, unique work of art.

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They already made one, check out Post 16 and Post 31.

They asked me to add the title.

I’m a he, just to make it easier.

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Whoops, my bad, but it’s already past five. Deadline is up, anyone still making thumbnail is still welcome to submit, but anyone who hasn’t, it’s over.

Sorry I’m late to submit! I was on vacation. I had it finished by 3 tho!

Ik it has the Canva watermark :cry:I don’t have pro


uh…we can see the canva watermark…

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(post deleted by author)

Well, I guess that’s it, this is now closed, I will choose the best thumbnail. I will announce tomorrow at 5.

Change of plans, announcement will be at 3:30.

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The time has come…

The best thumbnail is…


Ok, I’ve been buried by summer break homework for a while, but one problem, I’m not able to upload the file, it only takes jpg files I think, and there’s an upload error whenever I try to upload the thumbnail. Help, please?

I can send you a JPeg version tomorrow

Jpeg conversion is annoying lol


I feel like i’ve been drawing a lotta people stuffs lol

here ya go, cuz I was bored

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Cool, but a few things:
-My scales are charcoal-colored and my horns are purple, white eyes
-Don’t think my legs are quite that stubby ._o
-Wings are teeny tiny, mine are webbed

Overall nice job though since you aren’t familiar with my character yet.

Now we should get back on-topic…


Does this work? Try it.

It’s not working. I can only upload JPEG images, and even if I change the file to jpg, it says ‘upload error’.

Off Topic

I am writing this because I have a draft, and I cannot make another topic so here goes, I’m making a guide (or art) project on making a house, and right now, I am trying to make it functional, so far I’ve made, Entering, Reading a book, Getting Utensils, Getting Food from Fridge, Eating, Cleaning Utensils, and Watching TV pant, pant, GASP so, can anyone suggest more ideas to make my house even more functional? Ideas will be credited.

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hmmm… that’s never happened to me before…
Well, I can upload the other file types, and all it gives me is a red outline and a message. It doesn’t affect the publishing process other than just making the box red. (also ‘upload error’.)

It should still let you upload it, even if it gives that weird message.

just use a file to jpeg converter online

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does this help?

If you still can’t get it to upload, even if it’s jpeg, well, idk. I would make a help topic or email gimkit support.

it always says upload error for me when it says that you can still publish the game and the thumbnail will apear