I need help creating plz help

How to make it so when a player gets knocked out on a specific team it updates a counter.

You can use pseudo teams where 1 team has a specific item and the other team has a different one. You can also use team IDs. The setup would be lifecycle wired to a checker to a counter. let me pull up more info dense stuff rq. Also, welcome to the forums @RickAir! Make sure to read the FAQ/Guidelines and have a great time here!

First choose: pseudo teams or team IDs?

I think relays or knockout managers might have an option for this but it’s been a while and I’m not completely sure.

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relays have a specific team option BUT he needs team detection. welcome back!-ish

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You don’t need player-ids. You can just have a lifecycle connect to a trigger running block code that sets a property ‘teamnum’ to the team number of a player. Then when a player get’s ko’ed, a checker checks if the property is equal to whatever team you are looking for. Although pseudo teams might be easier.


I was making a ultimate bridge wars map but whenever i am on my team and i jump into my own portal it updates the other teams counter

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That is why i am asking for help

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you just described team IDs. Which is what I said -_-

According to getrithekd’s guides, it is when you have two properties, players num and player id, and you set players num to players num +1, and player id to players num. So not the same.

As you can see, what I said are a little bit different.

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I have a different thought of IDs then. Anyway, I gtg so I think you got it!

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thanks ill get to work

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welcome to your first 24 minutes of the forums!

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Have a lifecycle for when a player is knocked out wired to a wire repeater. Have the “Allowed team” option be selected to the specific team you want. Then, wire the wire repeater to the counter to increment it.


@RickAir the post by unavailible is what you should do. Much smarter than what was said above that comment.


OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT that there was a team option in wire repeater lol. Good job Unavailible!

ID stands for identity, there can be many different ways to define this:
-getrithekd’s way
-team number
-triggering players name
-and the way I used in my Snakes and ladders game (not efficient)

Yeah, I know, but most people mean the official player ids (getrithekd’s way) when they talk about ids.

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