I’m making a game similar to The Pit from Fortnite, but with fragility. I’ve run out of ideas at this point so I’m asking you all, what should I add?
And no, the game is not published and that’s not the real name so this isn’t advertising.
For context, The Pit is your average Free For All battle map with a square arena and every [gadget] available, usually it uses health and Shield but this version has fragility.
I’ve already added a damage boost upgrade and a speed boost upgrade.
Edit: Nobody’s noticing this what
For the people that don’t know what ‘The Pit’ is, could you add some context?
bump haha
my brain is cooked from school and I need ideas
you didnt awnser this
read the main post again. they did.
nvm im just bl1nd lol
Off topic, but very real
Anyways, I can help! What ideas do you need?
when Josh adds moving sentries to GKC and makes them come with the season ticket, add a Sentry upgrade that shoots players for you and moves
Maybe have a life steal mechanic?
bomp bamp bump
Got a solution?
this is just a gathering of ideas, there’s no single solution I’m just writing these down to use in my game
Don’t worry I can notice loud and clear
Here is some stuff you can add:
Each knockout heals you 15 hp or shield
Power consumables
or classes perhaps
someone finally dug this topic out of its grave yippee
Yeah I should probably add siphon
Already added items
Maybe… might take a bit though.
Perhaps a way to build?
Or you could add sentries around the map to do some trolling (when you knock em out you don’t gain anything)
I have an item spawner that spawns dynamic stone to build, and gives players a pickaxe.