I made a cool combat system!

I made a cool combat system that damages the actual health bar that you see at the top, this is similar to the how to make killing for among us guide but i felt like i should share it with you people since you have helped me so much with my other projects and its slightly different with the sentry mechanic.

devices needed: game overlay, 2 wire repeaters, a tag zone, a trigger, and a sentry (as much as you need)

make a button and when it is clicked transmit of a channel named “melee”
then wire that up to a wire repeater at 0.5 seconds
then wire that wire repeater (deactivate the tag zone) up to a tag zone that has the settings team 1, no respawn, entire map, when player tagged transmit on “sentry”, activate when receiving on melee, not active on game start
then wire that up to a wire repeater (when player gets tagged by someone else) and the wire repeater has these settings: 1 second and any team
then wire that wire repeater up to trigger (trigger [not activate trigger]) that has the settings: when triggered transmit on “turn off sentry”, trigger delay to 0, visible in game to no
then you can create a sentry with these settings: sentry team is team 1, activate sentry when receiving on “sentry” and deactivate when receiving on “turn off sentry”

now when you click this button and are close enough to the specific player you want to damage the sentry will appear then shoot the player then disappear and the nice thing about this setup is that you can copy this specific sentry everywhere and it (should) only shoot if that player is in its view. I hope this helps anybody with their projects, it’ll definitely help with mine.


Nice First guide and welcome to the community, @HeavenComet!
I suggest adding pictures when you reach TL1.

You might want to credit this guide:


welcome to the

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Great guide! Also, welcome!

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Welcome to the community @HeavenComet !
This is a pretty good looking guide!
(kinda wish there were pictures because I have an iq of -100)

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thank you for the feedback, ill be sure to add pictures to my next guide and ill edit this guide to have pictures in a minute. ill also credit this among us killing guide as well.


yeah now that i look at the among us killing guide its basically the exact same as this guide lol

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Welcome to the forum @HeavenComet!

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welcome to the forum and nice guide!


ok I cant put pictures on this because i’m on my school laptop, restrictions and all that but i’ll be sure to put pictures on my next guide!

Nice Guide and welcome to the forums, @HeavenComet!

Welcome to the commuity @HeavenComet! It’s always nice when the first post a person makes is a guide! Great guide though!

My first post was also a guide.

How does your school laptop restrict that?

It shouldn’t be your device, its the fact that your a new user and couldn’t add more than one image.


I’m in a different time zone than you…

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Oh. What time is it for you? ^

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8 am…

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6:00 A.M is still a weird time…
Forget it, it doesn’t matter. I’m being intrusive.

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Welcome to the forums, @HeavenComet
Make sure to check out new-user-must-read and forum-tips

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i applied this to my map and since its super large it lags whenever i use it, does anyone have any idea on how to make t less laggy. some sort of system to specifically call only the sentry’s that are on screen. but the point is that it works!

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