I have a request... do you have a **Clue?** NOT A THUMBNAIL REQUEST

Has seriously no one helped you yet @Toothless? I f ailed the first time, but I might just try again (for your sake)


Oh no, @Loperander0 has taken on the challenge. It’s just that they have some news for me.

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Ah, if they fail (I doubt it because they’re amazing) you can always ping me and I can try again. Is he the only person though? (I know there were other replies on this topic)

Unfortunately, the other 3-4 users were just one comments, probably saw someone they new and joined the conversation, but left almost immediately after that.


That awful! (I feel like people shouldn’t respond to a topic if they aren’t going to help or have nothing important to say). Well, I’ll let @Loperander0 cook (remember, don’t hesitate to ping me if you need anymore help with this specific topic) Can’t wait to see what he comes up with

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Thank you for your offer! I’ll keep that in mind, and just saying, there might be others who’ll take up the challenge!

Okay, so, Imma need some quiet time for my mini-guide, so try avoiding pinging me for like 30 minutes.

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What’s going on? I got pinged.

Oh, I picked your bad one first, then question.

Hmm, okay, bad news, I cant find a way to make certain things but I figured it out, no worrys
and the question, Do you want me to make the items like the candle stick?

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Hmm, I haven’t thought about that yet…
sure! You can do it!
Although if you don’t want to, I understand, I can make it myself.

I can’t wait to see what you’ll cook up!

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Nah, for you @Toothless, I got you, I’ll do it
I think you making a clue game is so cool, I’m happy I get to help out in some way

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Is there anything else that I’m missing that I should add or know of?

Well, you’re making the rooms,
you’ve decided to make the we@pons,
well, the pawns would probably be the gims themselves, obviously.
No! I think you’re good!

I’ll let you know if something comes to mind. :smile:


Thx, your the best @Toothless

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Oh, rq, when do you want this done by? I forgot plus I don’t know if I can finish in time prob

There isn’t a limit, I don’t know when I’m going to finish my clue thing, but so far, infinite amount of time!
(just don’t take forever)

If you want I can give you a deadline just to motivate you to finish.

Well, duh, I wouldn’t take forever, but I was just asking thx @Toothless

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@Rainbow [1]

  1. sorry for the ping, I just really wanted to say that I love your pfp, It really cute ↩︎

Don’t ping people randomly. Just make one of your own if think it’s cool.

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I don’t mind being pinged (I get why people are so uptight about it though)

Thanks though!! @blackjack inspired me to make it lol

Let’s get back on topic though