I have a request... do you have a **Clue?** NOT A THUMBNAIL REQUEST

@Loperander0, how’s the clue thing going?

So, It looks decent at the current moment, I am thinking of some things like

  1. when its you turn, you will get a certain amount of energy when you roll
    That is what I have so far, I haven’t made the board yet because I’m coding and all that but I should have the board started tomorrow if I can @Toothless
    Give me some ideas on what more you need @Toothless

I just need the board, the energy will be determined by a dice, and the rest of the code I’ll make,
do send me pictures of each room @Loperander0!

Okay, yeah, I’ll start on the board now! Thx
I truly misunderstood what you needed sorry

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Hey @Toothless i’m here to give you a heads up and ask a question
Heads-up: I should have this down before fall break
I also have good but bad news
So take your pick: good, bad, or question?

Sorry for the late response.
Good @Loperander0

edit: huh?

qmark.exe had fa!led to analyze. Please reboot.


What he means is he doesn’t understand the description.

Oh! I’m just asking someone recreates the clue board using props and terrain.

That seems fun, actually! (You have a lot of maps, something tells me season pass… Is platforming actually good?) All you need is to look at the board and maybe some prop art guides and bam! Also the middle should be an operating room, because that’s where you put the cards in the game.

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Okay, the good news, The map looks so good!!
now do you want the bad or question?


Sorry for the late response, I can only reply at around 5:00 pm, but, bad, then question.

Haha, no, sadly I don’t have the pass, all those guides are in the same map, they don’t take up that much memory, so I’m good.

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Off-Topic question; Is that one dystopian map in that one singular beta world too?
I know, Off-Topic, apply the tag and message the moderators.


Huh? I dunno what your talking about. :sweat_smile:

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Sorry I know you weren’t talking to me @Unit_72, but you can send personal messages?!

Some people were saying they took away that feature, maybe I’m tripping though (it’s great if you can though)


You can’t, but I think the message hasn’t been removed yet.

They can’t remove any features; it runs on Discourse