I have a hard question

I am doing a map free for all, and I put that when you knockout someone you get damage boost 2x until 20 secs so that works but I wanna make it so you have a temporary timer until the time runs out

There is a setting on how long it lasts in the Damage Boost.

yeah I put it for 20 secs but I want it to have a timer that shows you how much time is left

I think you can do it with overlays, triggers/repeaters, properties and blockcode





uhh how do you do that?


I’m on mobile rn, so here’s a very general overview:

Make a lifecycle that listens for a player knocking someone out. This will start the mechanism. Make a 20 sec timer triggered by the lifecycle. Make the lifecycle trigger the damage boost.

I did already, but I’m trying to make like a timer on the top left corner of the screen

Screenshot 2023-11-07 5.13.58 PM

What about the timer? There’s lots of guides on that.

but only put there when a player knocks some one out

I put the thing to 20 seconds and its gona be like when some one knocks some one the timer comes on

another person left

Wait, so you just want to show the number of seconds left for the person who knocked a person out?

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mhh yeah

Ok, before I explain, one quick question:
Have you ever used block code and if yes, how good and experienced are you with it?

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I have literally never used block code

I think I could help if that’s ok?

but with right directions I can do it

how about you just make a overlay using tracked item but before that make a property as timer and use a lifecycle that uses player knocks out then wire lifecycle—property name it timer then use other forums for timer and connect the timer—overlay

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