so i am making a tag game and i need ideas for cool things that could be there!
list of things i still need things for:
if you have ideas that are not upgrades or powers please still share them
Long Reach (suggested by @JoJoBro)
Dash ( suggested by @JJ-studios )
Ice (suggested by @JoJoBro)
Normal Tag Upgrades
Land Mine (suggested by @JoJoBro)
Tag immunity (suggested by @serial_destination_V )
Swap (suggested by @King_Thunder_Alt1)
gadget (suggested by @JJ-studios )
blocks (suggested by @Apollo )
upgrades are upgrades in game
items are items you can get
powers are starting powers that you pick at the beginning of the game
So if you complete EVERY SINGLE THING in the game you can achieve a very special ability called Hero
its powers are: Combustion of nearby enemies, This will make everyone around combust into sprinkles
Super speed and flight: You can run very fast and get past hard obstacles with flight
Teleportation, You can teleport anywhere in the whole game
( suggested by @Gimkitsuggestor )
its a 1/100 percent chance you get hero
( suggested by @Coderdash )