How would I make "Walk to school in OHIO"

Well, actually, I figured out a way to suspend yourself, but I figured that out later on.

I am pretty sure it is there, but I don’t know what it is about.

I like this too.

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That’s because you were permabanned.

Also, making alts can lead to more punishments and IP Bans.
Just saying.


I recomend talking to the mods as of they can change it from suspended to not. Or they did it on purpose. This is part of the user admin panel;

You can do this my making a road out of asphalt tiles.
Then you can build the building outt of gym tiles.

Not many people know much on this type o info, but it gets very indepth. And all forums are the same, so this is the settings on the GKC forum, which is why I know a lot about forums and was promoted to TL4.

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let get back on topic tl4 or acc are not part of this topic leave that to admin and stuff as forum related is not allowed here.


You like this:

all it takes is one click. but yeah @margimkitcreator back on topic…


All I was saying is this ^

Wait you’re mod? I thought you were Ex mod.

I was just trying to help until you showed that you had permission to be unbanned, but lets get back on topic please.

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by the way, @thatOneCringe your tiles post? Change the title to DONT REPLY… you get the rest


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How about we just delete all the posts except this one:

For this, I might want to change the currency, because I intend for gimberries to be like robux. What could I use for the currency to earn, and what would it be used for?
I have no replies :frowning:

Cash, could be used to buy power-ups like speed boosts, or functions like stage skips.

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You could use energy, like if you complete tasks for the people in the school.

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This is where @ABCD and @ABCDalt will talk when they run out of replies.

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The stage skips would be in gimberries.

You could, but the game isn’t about completing tasks in school. It is about getting to school. There are several obstacles on the way that you need to overcome. These obstacle might be avoiding people, roombas, couches, brothers with swords (:rofl: I think that one is insane) and it could be getting a key to a door, and you make your way to school.

Also, how could I make the save file so that it can be using the same code as many times as you are in the game? (Basically can it be used as many times as you host the game.) And, how can I make the save file claim checkpoints and update amounts of a certain item?

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If I am running out of replies, I will let you know to check this post.