How would I make "Walk to school in OHIO"

What do you mean? By rare chance.

A low chance

Of what? What is the low chance of?

Getting more Gimberries then normal, like 200 instead of 75

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OOOoooooooOOOOOOHH!! I don’t think I want that, but thank you @ShinyRiolu

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A checker and item granter would ironically be cheaper than a vending machine.

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oh yeah… but funding, stock, icons, etc if it’s supposed to be visible

Funding and stock probably wouldn’t be necessary. Icons are just a matter of personal preference though.

on an unrelated note, do you know a Marco Forster?

stock if you want the players to think, “should i really do this?”

funding for, well… how do i explain it…

no, i don’t know a marco forster

I have no clue how you would explain funding. :skull:

For the purpose of not getting "let’s get back on topic"d, you could add checkpoints with a checkpoint button, the popup can just be hooked to an item granter, animations can easily be done with wire repeaters, and the save file… well… you know where to go :slight_smile:

dang i thought i was on to something there

I might use a zone. Also, I think we forgot about credits and instructions.

How would that work?

or maybe gain 2 green fish every step

Use zone for deaths, use notifications for death messages, use vending machines for stage skips. and uses checkpoints for checkpoints :exploding_head:, and use looping text for animation.

How could I make it 3D?

fake it
like make an illusion
you can’t rotate your camera like roblox
if you can do that in roblox idk(lol) i don’t play that


A like for you! I migh as well not do it.

it would be cool if we had 3d gimkit
they should add that

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Another like for you.