How would I make Star Wars Battlefront II?

I know how to make the art and things but idk how I would do the coding. Like how many points based off of k!lls and how long you survive and if you get k!lled, you would lose points. And then with those points you can unlock new characters. Help! (If youve never played battlefront, you need go to walmart, buy it for Xbox, and play it… NOW) Thanks for the help!
(PS, do you like the title screen so far? I have been working for like 15 mins or so:



points and kxlls can be done with knockout managers and counters.


Yes I do like the screen!


You’re not the only one who has played star wars battlefront ll


I’m assuming you are using properties for the score, right? While you could use counters, you can’t specify how many times you want it to increment unless you are doing the same amount each time. Now, you could use block code to reduce that property when someone gets knocked out, and the property should always be updated with the seconds into game block, that stops repeating from a repeater when it receives a channel when you are ko’ed.


MMM… i kinda hate proporties and if there was another alrernative, i would do that unless it was harder. I might have to do that tho

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Thanks and Almost everyone I’ve asked has not played it so…

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anything else? (preferably without properties, but if it has to be that, that’s fine)

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You could use pseudo properties, and for each ko grant them an item, and remove an item for when they get ko’ed. Just make the score that item.


As an avid player of Star Wars Battlefront 2, I’d recommend these things:

Using an item as a points system

A menu where you teleport to after you get knocked out.

In the menu, you can use buttons/vending machines to choose characters.

Depending on how much memory you have, you can create different game modes such as Supremacy or Heroes vs Villains.

You can also use a regeneration system (not sure how that would work, though).


love the idea its good

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thank you @Doctor . I like trying to make things that nobody has made before (specifically in gimkit)

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your welcome @lonewolf0230

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