How would I make a hold the point game

Ok, so dry grass, dirt, stone wall props, snow dead trees, those types of things. Walls shoud be the props that are stone walls.

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ok, the cover around the flags or points

Also, team 1 can’t recapture points

sandbags, wooden structures, metal cans…

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Don’t forget to mark a solution if you have one!

for trenches:


for 1, im assuming you are referring to flags?
well, in that case, just add the flag device


For trenches, use the stuff @Pika_Pokemon sent you, and you can make the top button teleport you to another place, like a hole, where you collect the points.
For Points, I suggest just using flags, and Flag Capture Zones

I like the idea, but it is meant to be a point capture, In certain games there are 2 teams, the defenders (team 1) and attackers (Team 2) team 1 is meant to hold the points and they start with all points except 1, team 2 has to capture all points

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All has been solved, thanks to everybody that helped

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You marked yourself as the solution? You should mark @WolfTechnology as the solution, he helped you the most, you know.

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Idk who to mark, if someone makes a post with all the guides in one, I will mark that

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@Coffee Maybe I’ll make a hold-the-point guide with this help post…

yes please, that would help a lot with domination style games, or point capture games

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@Coffee Can you explain Hold-The-Point to me a bit more? I need to know about it to make a guide.

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Welp, I guess I’ll just make it off what you said in the first paragraph

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A hold-the-point game is A series of usually 5 to 7 points controlled by team 1 (defenders) and are being sieged by team 2 (attackers) defender’s objective is to hold the point until the time limit expires (usually 10 to 15 minutes)and attackers are trying to get all the points captured without running out of time (defenders cannot re-capture points)

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Thanks! I’ll try my best!

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Thanks, I will help if you need it, I know a lot about these type of games

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Speaking of helping, I made a capturing system just now, if you want I will show you the system