Hello! welcome to my first topic. This was pretty hard to make and I hope you like it.
(Disclaimer! This is a WIP, I will be adding more things to it when gimkit has more prop updates!)
wiki thingy: please don’t edit or ruin this, it took a very long time. so maybe ask me to edit first.
This is about what kinds of props go well with what kinds of themes, not just a listing of every prop or somethin.
Table of Contents:
First Genre is Medieval props…
Second Genre is Futuristic Props…
Third Genre is Modern Props…
Fourth Genre is Fall Props…
Fifth Genre is Nature Props…
…More genres coming soon!
First Genre
- Armour Stands
- Mix around different variations of barrels across your dungeon map.
- Anvils
- All the variations of flags
- Candle
- All the variations of shields
- Coal
- All variations of Codex(open & closed)
- Codex Stack
- Compressor
- All the variations of Dark Grey Stone Barriers.
- All the variations of dirt.
- Wooden poles
- Firewood
- Fish
- All variations of hay.
- Guide Book(prob my 3rd fave prop)
- Heavy Hammer
- Horseshoe
- Large Barrel
- All the types of piles (Leaf, snow, etc…)
- Market stands (blue & red)
- Masher
- All the variations of banners.
- Beds
- Forks
- All the different variations of lanterns.
- All the variations of pitchers
- Both streetlights (on & off)
- Molten Lava bucket
- paper map
- All the different types of scrolls
- All the different variations of rocks
- All the different variations of trees
- Roller
- All the types of ruins. (Best for medieval in my opinion)
- All the variations of stake
- All the variations for stone columns
- Stumps
- Sword Stone
- Wooden table
- Wood Fired Oven
- Wooden Everything
Second Genre
- All the chemicals and chemical spills
- All the corner sofas (all colors)
- Both Cameras
- Chemical Tube
- All the command tables
- Computers
- Electric Generators
- Escape Hatch
- Alien Plants (all of them)
- Filing Cabinets
- Both Gaming Chairs (he’s not hacking guys,- he just has a good gaming chair)
- Both Gate Consoles
- All the space containers
- All the Groundbreaking Plants
- Laptop (MacBook (gimbook))
- Microscope
- All the nuclear barrels and its variations
- All the oil barrels and its variations
- All the plant canisters
- All the multi-colored seats
- Both Safes
- All plant barriers
- All space beds (multi-colored)
- Space Rover
- All the variations of space trash (gimkit pollution update)
- Every single prop with the word: “Spaceship”
- Both Televisions (on & off)
- All the vials
Third Genre
- Both 3D Printers
- Arcade Machines
- All the variations of baskets!
- Basketball
- Basketball Hoop
- Briefcases
- Bicycle Rack
- BlackBoards
- All the blackboard legs
- Boats
- All the bookshelves
- Boxes
- b r e a d .
- All the variations of glass (broken or infected or whatever or not)
- Buckets
- All the plants(not alien ones, though.)
- Camera
- Cash Stacks
- All the types of plates
- c h e e s e plate.
- Circus Tents (Red & Blue)
- Computer
- Cones
- Coral
- Corn stalks (empty or not)
- Bones
- Cutting Boards
- All the wooden poles and signs.
- Desks
- Mud
- Dirt
- All the bushes and trees
- All the grass
- Electric Generators (broken or not)
- Electric Post
- Escape Hatch
- Filing Cabinets (Black and white)
- All the flowers
- Gas tanks
- All the gasoline bottles
- All the gasoline pumps
- All the cups
- All the hydration drinks (prime)
- Codex
- Guide Book
- All the gumball machines
- All the buckets
- Kettle
- Jug(non infested)
- Laptop
- Lab table
- Lady bug
- Lunch Box (the nostalgic spiderman exclusive ones)
- Marble Signs
- Both Market Stands
- Medieval beds (they’re basically the same :/
- All the metal briefcases and cans
- Everything metal
- Microscope
- Moss
- Muffin tray (
Do you know the muffin man? the muffin man… the muffin man…
- Office Chairs
- All the office plants
- All the billboards
- All the TV’s (old or not)
- Olive Jar
- P a n .
- Paper map
- Park Bench
- P i c k l e J a r .
- All the variations of pipe.
- All the pitchforks
- All the potted plants.
- pumpkin.
- All the racing flags
- Railing
- all the rakes
- All the rocks
- All the Roulottes
- All the piles
- Scarecrows
- all the shells
- All the shovels
- s p i d e r .
- s p o o n.
- everything with “stadium” in it.
- Stools
- Supergim toys
- Supergim Comics
- tire
- theater chair
- tongs
- toolboxes
- toy boxes
- tractor
- trash
- trash bin (result of the protest against the pollution update)
- Vault
- Vending Machines
- All the wall bared wires
- All the warning signs
- Wells
- Water Dispenser
- All the wrecked cars
Fourth Genre
- Dirt
- All the dry bushes
- All the dry grass
- All the dry plants
- All the hay
- All the leaf piles
- l a d y b u g .
- all the leaves
- All the pumpkins
- All the rakes
- All the rocks
- All the dry trees
- All the red trees
- All the tumbleweeds
This one was kinda short lol
Fifth Genre
- Cactus
- All the coral
- All the corn stalks
- Bones
- Dirt
- All the plant related props (except the alien ones)
- All the grass
- All the trees
- All the pumpkins
- All the bushes
- All the flowers
- Fish stack
- Firewood
- Hay
- Ladybug
- Spider
- Leaves
- Snow
- Moss
- Office plant
- Pond grass
- Potted plants
- All the rocks
- Sand
- All the shells
- All the logs
- All the stumps
- tumbleweed
Sixth Genre
- Gaming Chairs
thank you Bird for making this a wiki!