How to use blocks?

Anyway here is a guide on blocks:

I was considering saying…

else what…

You don’t really need to use a bunch of math to be good at blocks.

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The only time the math blocks are used are for very complex projects such as calculators, mod functions and save codes (old ones, the new blocks made it easier). If you’re just learning try these

Everyone’s overcomplicating this.
Block code is pretty much just… Scratch.

But without loops.

What do you mean??? I am even more confused :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Oh i forgot I am so stupid I could have used that. (Probably because it was night time who know even I forgot) Am I talking off topic just making sure.


It’s like scratch coding, go to and learn.


Thanks Temmie hdfisehfiskj

You can hide the placeholder or blur it. Use the <> symbols to do so.

Wait what does that mean

Mark me as solution so that the topic closes :melting_face:

oh wait you marked the other dude ):

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