How to travel around your map fast in edit mode

Very useful for not having to run to a very different area at 3x speed.
This allows MUCH faster travel in edit mode.

This post is WAY too long
Just say:

Click settings.
Click edit options.
Choose settings.
Teleporters work if collision is on.

I agree
Glrls are better than boys at many things
And while the stereotype might be that glrls are worse, thatā€™s not necessarily true
Especially when talking about one person

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I can relate
Why was cursing invented

Just go to your settings and turn your speed in editing mode to 3x. Itā€™s that easy.

Yeah I know
It takes one line and no pics to say so WHY is this post so long???

this is a faster way and please read the actual guide before responding
@VoidFluffy true

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Stop going off-topic about genders. Not the place to chat about pronouns.

@Foxy whoops. I canā€™t see when was post was posted for some reason. Just donā€™t keep talking about it lmao.

this happened 3 hours ago we already stopped

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broā€¦ not to be rude or anything butā€¦ Gimsolver can sometimes act like a big troublemakerā€¦

part of that is true but I didnā€™t do it to farm likes, he thinks im a terrible person, and im not, I literally just never made a wiki before and was testing it out


Do not insult Gimsolver!!

Once, they were pinged on a help topic, and they were annoyed, but they found two guides anyway, very kindly.


Pleaseā€¦ could we not fight?

Why donā€™t we GET BACK ON TOPIC!!

here I believe How to make cameras in a creative map

ok. glad you came to that conclusion.

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I wonder if the mods agree with you, because they archived it because it was a duplicate.

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Letā€™s just get back on-topic okay?

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I feel like this is the beginning of a flame war. I think we should get back on-topic like @DragonFlagon872 said.



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Is there like also other ways such as directions to certain parts of the map in edit mode?

  1. The Aubec goes ā€œfajdklfjkdjfaldfjlajfsdjaflā€ ā†©ļøŽ

Just saying, Aubec wasnā€™t randomly insulting GS. Aubec had a solid reason to dislike him.

Sorry now getting back on topic-