How to travel around your map fast in edit mode

this happened 3 hours ago we already stopped

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bro… not to be rude or anything but… Gimsolver can sometimes act like a big troublemaker…

part of that is true but I didn’t do it to farm likes, he thinks im a terrible person, and im not, I literally just never made a wiki before and was testing it out


Do not insult Gimsolver!!

Once, they were pinged on a help topic, and they were annoyed, but they found two guides anyway, very kindly.


Please… could we not fight?

Why don’t we GET BACK ON TOPIC!!

here I believe How to make cameras in a creative map

ok. glad you came to that conclusion.

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I wonder if the mods agree with you, because they archived it because it was a duplicate.

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Let’s just get back on-topic okay?

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I feel like this is the beginning of a flame war. I think we should get back on-topic like @DragonFlagon872 said.



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Is there like also other ways such as directions to certain parts of the map in edit mode?

  1. The Aubec goes “fajdklfjkdjfaldfjlajfsdjafl” ↩︎

Just saying, Aubec wasn’t randomly insulting GS. Aubec had a solid reason to dislike him.

Sorry now getting back on topic-

Do you mean an edit-mode waypoint? That would be helpful…

It’s not a suggestion for GKC-
like build arrows that point to a certain part of the map in edit mode.

  1. The VoidFluffy goes “aofvazobnzsefoeafooeabfonzae” also, do you mean mb as “my bad” or “maybe”? ↩︎


Disliking someone doesn’t mean that you have the excuse to go and randomly call them a jerk & a troublemaker. Just saying.

Off-Topic for @VoidFluffy

@VoidFluffy did you change your PFP? It looks great!

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Another Off-Topic for @VoidFluffy (I'm Sorry)

Can I join you in your cosmic box?

Sorry, it’s getting a bit crowded already.
Now let’s stop the off topic.


ik I already said this is a good guide but rq, you can also make like a hub to every place, put a laser that does like 999999 dmg so only editors can go through it. thats what I did for my first map

also, thats my bad, I dont mean he IS a trouble maker I meant he sometimes can act like a trouble maker