How to Track Every Player and Find Their Distance [ šŸŸ„ 8/10]

those blocks arenā€™t deadly if you actually understand block code

[:newspaper: Resources] Resources for Block Code

these resources may help educate you

Oh, okay. :slight_smile: Iā€™m not good with Gimkit code, the blocks are both weird and you have to find creative ways around a block not existing to make something as simple as, like, anything in Gimkit. Think about it, if a few more block variants were added, it could solve a lot of problems. Also, there are a lot of blocks, but what I meant was that it was VERY LONG. It would take some time to copy that.

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Well it would be easier if you could export and import allowing you to also code outside of gimkit.

Get nolted


Yes it would. I have also had many Nolt ideas, but none have been added. Each would be so useful, thoughā€¦

Same. I think it would be awesome if they added templates so you didnā€™t always have to start from nothing and you could duplicate maps

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I understand block code I just still find it deadly

Well you gotta have a better outlook on that- if I just focused on how difficult it is to write some algorithms I would never get anything done.


true true I think i have just been a bit lazy lately

While I was tracking my coordinates, I bumped into a flying car