How to teleport someone to a lobby when a room is too full (🟩)

lets try again @NavyCatZ navycatz_rate post

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Hello! NavyCatZ here!

What You Did Well

Introduction: You added a list of devices that the reader needs, helping them prepare beforehand.

Structure: Each step is separated into dropdowns, making it easier to read them.

Visuals: You added visuals showing the block code. This is helpful as block code can be difficult to express in words.


Poll: You added a poll for the difficulty rating. This is useful as the difficulty is subjective.

What You Could Improve On

Detailed Explanation: You could explain what the steps(most importantly the block code) do exactly. Since your target audience is Gims with little experience, this will help them learn more about Gimkit Creative.

Overall, I like your guide! NavyCatZ signing off!


you never actually put a rating! also thanks for the tip

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You deserve it!

wow everyone is so kind!

bumpity bump my guide

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This gimkitter,
they played bump
they played bumpity
on my stump
with a knick knack patty whack
give clicclac beanine!
This gimkitter came rolling home.

(j0ins game)

(gets teleported to a lobby)

(bumps this guide)

BUmp wait is the navycatz a bot or the real person

Person, but they acted like an old forum bot. Anyway, please remain on-topic

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