How to Recreate Screech from Roblox Doors!

What’s up, gamers! It’s me, Landyn Speed, back with a new guide! Today, we’re gonna be covering a new entity in Roblox Doors! This guide, I’ve never actually seen anybody recreate or even ASK how to make him, (and for good reason. Screech is known as one of the most ANNOYING entities in ALL of Doors…besides Curious Light, in my opinion.) so I guess I’m making a guide that NO ONE asked for. But, when you look into it, it’s really simple! You’ll see why. Of course, El Goblino will be here to help out. So with all that taken care of, let’s get started!

Setting the Scene

You open the next door, and this time it’s pitch black in there. Great. You mumble. What now? Is some tentacled monster gonna come and eat my face? Little did you know, that you were exactly right.
You fumble around the room, looking for the key, when you suddenly hear a noise.
You look around, trying to find the source of this peculiar noise, but find nothing. You shrug. I’m paranoid. You say, trying to convince yourself that it was nothing.
There it is again! You look around, but once again, find cold, empty air. You turn around to continue searching your drawer, but suddenly, you’re jerked back around. An ear-piercing shriek fills the room as something clamps down on your head. You fall to the ground, blood pouring down your face. The last thing you hear before the world turns black is a soft giggle coming from where you once were.

What You'll Need

10 Zones
3 Teleporters
2 Triggers
1 Notification
1 Damager


Step 1. Place a zone at the entrance of your dark room, and have it transmit on “Dark_Room” when you enter the zone. Place a zone at the EXIT of your room, that says “Screech_Check_Deactivate.”

Step 2. Place down a trigger that transmits on “Psst,” triggers and activates on “Dark_Room,” has a delay of 15 seconds, and deactivates on "Screech_Check_Deactivate. Place down 8 zones OUTSIDE THE ROOM like this, with a teleporter in the middle that teleports the player there on the channel “Psst.”

Step 3. Make one of the zones (it doesn’t matter which) transmit on “Screech_Avoided.” Place down a trigger that transmits on “Screech_Attack,” triggers and activates on “Psst,” and deactivates “Screech_Avoided,” and has a delay of 3.75 seconds. (the delay doesn’t really matter, this just gives them enough time to try to find the screech, but still be stressed out and worried.

Step 4. Place down a notification that says “Psst” in the header, with “Quickly! Find the Screech or it’ll attack!” in the content section. Place down a teleporter back in the dark room, that teleports you there on “Screech_Avoided.” Now do the same thing to the other teleporter, except with the channel “Screech_Attack.” Now, place down a damager that damages the player on the “Screech_Attack” channel, and deals 33 damage.

And You’re Done!

El Goblino Summary

Hola, amigo! Landyn’s at it with YET ANOTHER DOORS GUIDE, (seriously, this kid is addicted to Doors…) so I guess I should clear up all the clutter.
Basically, when you enter the room, it triggers the zone that gives you 15 seconds to exit the room before Screech attacks! You’ll be teleported outside of the map, where 8 zones surround you. You’ve only got a couple of seconds to find out which zone the Screech is hiding in. If you find it, congratulations! You’ve successfully escaped the jaws of Screech, if not, oops! a third of your max health is taken away. Simple as that!

How Hard Was This Guide?
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  • 10/10 :purple_square:
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Are you familiar with this guide? Maybe you could add this into there just for fun.

What Did You Think Of This Guide?
  • 1 Star! :star: (Horrible! Worst Guide I’ve Ever Seen!)
  • 2 Stars! :star::star: (Still Pretty Bad, Just Not The Worst I’ve Seen.)
  • 3 Stars! :star::star::star: (Not Bad, But Not Great Either.)
  • 4 Stars! :star::star::star::star: (Pretty Good, I Will Admit! I’m Impressed!)
  • 5 Stars! :star::star::star::star::star: (AMAZING! Perfect The Way It Is!)
0 voters

P.S. Please explain your reasoning for your rating. I could use all the feedback I can get!

I am, in fact I’ve actually helped @gimkitsuggestor make it on multiple occasions. But right now, something seems to be going on with the guide, not letting me edit it.


I have been summoned


Yeh @LandynSPEEDO802 is a close partner with my guide he loves doors just like me

so how would you find screech if Gimkit does it not have anything that can follow you and you can look at to scare away

I have thought of screech but then my above thought kept coming to mind

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:star: :star: :star: meh

Pst hey were not supposed to say that XD

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Well, that’s where a 1st person POV would be really helpful.

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Why would you say that? What can be improved?
(Also I’m not a huge fan of people rating guides high just to be funny. Unless you actually think this guide is a 10/10 difficulty, I would appreciate it if you rate based on what you actually believe versus what you think would be funny)

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Why would there need to be?

It’s straight to the point. No puns are needed.

well the biting of his face was sorta funny to me (Am I just a dark person)

but back on topic, Are you able to make a gif of this to show us in action?


Huh. Really the whole reason I have the El Goblino Summaries was to be funny while explaining the guide in a more beginner-friendly way. But if El Goblino isn’t being funny, I can make him go away…:smiling_imp:down the drain!


Sure! Just give me a second.

Make everything half Spanish and half English in the summaries
(Just a suggestion)


great guide! I never thought of doing it this way!

He did, and if it was too much Spanish El Goblino would of made it sound confusing

Sorry if it’s taking a while. I’ve got to compress the gif. It’s 7.6 MB :skull:

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Think of me who 3D models :skull:
on a school Chromebook