How to Psuedo Tag?

I want people from the same team, be able to tag each other.


How to make a pseudo tag system :3


I’m pretty sure he made a topic for help, on his own guide, saying that something was flawed on that guide, but I’ll try.

if there is a flaw, i could make the same exact system on my own

Well, I just realized, he is doing it for different teams…

Why do they need to be on the same team? Could you pseudo-team them but in reality have different teams?

It’s for a reviving system, so normal tagging is not an option.

Could you explain the reviving system a bit for me?


So, I just want it so when a player is tagged, (normally) they lose speed, and have 45 seconds for someone to revive them, otherwise, you’re dead.

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The original tag is by an opposing team member, no?


Yes, it is by the killer.

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So only one person or a whole team?


Use coordinate system and team IDs. Check if a player is close enough to another player and what team they are on and then have an event happen.


1 person.

I’m just throwing out random ideas without actually have tested them, but have you tried having them drop an item that despawns after 45 seconds, what when picked up will revive the closest player?


Fun Fact:
That doesn’t do anything to contribute to the topic, and is off-topic.
If your going to say something, say something useful.


But then the “villain” could pick it up.

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I know it just gave me an idea and someone already posted a help topic for this

Tags are used for searching, not showing what the topic is about. I don’t think anyone is going to search for “pseudo”. It’s too broad.


Nah the system itself is fine (i think)
I was having trouble tuning it for a different purpose if i remember
It requires slight changes depending on the purposes you want it to do debugging it is a pain so yeh