[🗑] How to Multi-Delete

I agree, and I have some ideas, too.

Well the itme your on is good time.


this aint that short?

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Um, ok, whatever you think :roll_eyes:

Added miniguide!

Congrats, your the 50th Miniguide tag Gimsolver! :smiley:

you cant do it with zones and camera views


Not to be matter-of-fact, but it does work on mobile. Thanks!

how is that something to be proud of?

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Just a small cool detail.

Might never happen again. Nothing to be proud about, or to brag, but just a small cool detail.


:person_facepalming: This would have helped so much to know when I had to delete so many devices that my friend put down one by one…

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lol, same

welcome to DA FOURMS @WhereIsMyCrown!!! :partying_face:

We hope ya enjoy ur stay here at the fourms!!!

@whereismyhat reference???


Oh, yeah, I’ll change it if it’s not okay, just seemed fun.


wait, do bumps have to be over 5 days?

we try to do that as bumping is supposed to bring old forgotten guides back some of the newer ones are bumped to often
I’m surprised people didn’t know how to multi delete though


now someone should make a guide about removing players.

About 3-5 days now since the 5 day bumping rule was technically created by the community.

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ye but the bumping rule doesn’t really exist or isn’t actually a rule according to someone. I found it a issue of it not being a rule because many people was cluttering it up with saying BUMP BUMP BUMP over and over again in a different load of reply in a single topic and people said it was fine. I didn’t bump btw

So now the limit to bumping is 3-5 days except with an exception of Clic-clac’s guides.
alright sry @GimSolver

Bumping my best friend’s last post :frowning:

Is there a way to select and delete / cut / copy everything in the map? It would make gimkit more powerful