How to make the craziest trick you can use for any tycoon game (1/10 or 🟦 )

Here is how to make a (very) simple tycoon trick for any game! This is how to make a answer questions button,earn button, activating vending machine,and level upgrade. Finished product:

You’ll need :answer questions button

Notification x 2
Vending machine (for better use)
Counter x 1
Trigger x 1
Counter starting on 1 ( You can add more, you’ll see)
Wires x 5
Item granter x 1
Step 1:
Make the button deactivated in the beginning and make it activate when you purchase item from the vending machine(wire).
Step 2:
Wire button to counter and set counter to a target.(button pressed increment counter)
Step 3:
Wire button to trigger (button pressed activate trigger) and make trigger wired to item granter.
Step 4:
Wire counter to notification saying you leveled up(make this system as many times as you like) and make the wire when target reached send notification.
Step 5:
Wire notification to trigger saying you got the item granter item.
And there ya go! Bonus:

Adios amigos!(accurate grammar not intended)


Nice guide!

1 Like

Yeah, nice guide! This is the first I’ve ever seen about tycoon games

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Good guide! What color rating should this be?

What Difficulty Should This Guide Be?
  • 0/10 or :white_large_square:
  • 1/10 or :blue_square:
  • 2/10 or :green_square:
  • 3/10 or :green_square:
  • 4/10 or :yellow_square:
  • 5/10 or :yellow_square:
  • 6/10 or :orange_square:
  • 7/10 or :orange_square:
  • 8/10 or :red_square:
  • 9/10 or :red_square:
  • 10/10 or :purple_square:
  • 11/10 or :black_large_square:
0 voters

Thanks!!! Is there any other tycoon post you want to see??

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tycoon bump

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Bump Tycoon


What do you mean? I do not understand.

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I was doing a pun.

People use puns when they bump topics.

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So what exactly do you want me to make?

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What…do you mean?

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I asked you what other tycoon-related guide you want me to make.

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Pizza Tycoon.


Bump bump bumppity bump.
