How to make team switcher that checks if someone is on that team or not

this guide is to make a team switcher that if someone is on that team they won’t switch if not they will switch
level:3/10 easy

game overlay
team switcher

step 1: place down all of the devices listed like so

step 2: set the overlay settings to

step3:wire the button to the checker

step 4 checker settings like so

step 5

step 6 block coding trigger

step 7 property setup like mwuah

step 8 team switching

step 9 your done

THE END!!! feel free to add a item granter to check if it works
this device is great for mur der mystery games among us or any game that involves team switching

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Nice guide, you may want to make more explanations on each steps.

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What exactly is the point of this? Why is there a team switcher? How does this affect games with team switching? I’m so confused you could use a bit more description here.

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I feel like I saw this before

Nice guide but I think there is a way to use a counter instead of a property.

None of the pictures loaded.
They are all solid colors.
Or is that just… me?

That not happening for me

I think thats just you

A better way to do this would be to concatenate channels for each team and then check the team number property in the block code.


i feel like this is a bad guide

i think it might be because of the forums before i couldnt open the forums

Eh its fine, I wouldn’t do any better

it’s not that bad, but just explain how this works and capture the beginning of sentences

their is but i think thats more complex

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It’s pretty good for someone starting to make guides. Keep it up! :smiley:
Things you can improve on

  • Like what nagyeyelo said you might need to explain more on how it works
  • Formatting like using dropdowns
  • Spelling correctly
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i dont know how to do a drop down also lazy spelling i understand also i honestly dont know how to further elaborate the description

also the reason i used a button is cus the lifecylce only works for one player

Hey! I’m new here, but can’t you use a relay device to make the lifecycle work for everyone?


i dont know i never tried it

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also welcome to the forums