How to make stuff 3d

this is what im trying to build

It is possible, would take a long time.

Since you have so many layers, I would recommend putting all the terrain on one layer
as you would run out.

i am willing to do it i already made waterfalls u can walk under

one what one gimkit???

here is the worst rough draft i have done, but like this?

you can add ladders and expand the ledges.


umm not exactly look at the pic ubove

Rough draft. You could make it look better. It’s just a starting point to develop ideas.

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k so i can see what i can do.


Also, I recommend using concrete, space rock, or speckled grey for the mountain (plus grass)

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Here is the revision

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not great, but ok, is this what you are going for?

Probably a version 10x as big.

I’ll make my own version tomorrow.

yeah, i tried to fit it in one screen shot, i can make the image, but it would be 4 to 6 screen shots to get it all.

You could try putting two images on a line. Does that work?

Huh. Idk how they did it. Anyways, bye.

they put dirt on layer 1, and then put grass on laryer 2 and then add mor terrain, then add props to make it look more realistic, thats how its done.

No I mean two pictures on the same line. I am an expert at 3D terrain, no need help with that. I’ll come back tomorrow to see your answer.

ok, to do that you leave the same screen shot size that you took, with the preveuse photo, thats how they line up.

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