(Thanks to @WolfTechnology for this picture.)
Listen to Uncle Sam. I like my infinite editing time, but I don’t like infinitely annoying players. (You can edit to fix my bad grammer)
Anyways, this guide will teach you how to recreate Sonic The Hedgehog into a fun speedy video game with a boss. Speaking of speedy @speedy_kd4 I would like your opinon on some of my prop art. Or anyone else who has some opinons.
So if you don’t know what Sonic the Hedgehog is it’s this:
He’s a fast guy who’s blue and can run the speed of sound. His biggest foe is Dr.Eggman, and he has 2 movies, and another releases this December.
I choose to name my game Sonic The Gimchong because it would be a copyright if I didn’t. Plus it sounds cool.
Sonic enimies section (Exept Dr.Eggman)
I’ve chosen to do 2 enemies for this map, crabmeat and moto bug. One fires one beam of laser and the other 2.
The 2 cartoon looking ones are ones in Gimkit and the other 2 are the real ones.
Here’s what you’ll need for the beetle one (moto bug):
- 6 barriers
- 1 wooden pole
- 2 haybales
- 1 alien plant
- 1 laser
- 1 Laser Manager
Slap this code into the Laser Manager please.
Slap this code onto the Laser
Next I’ll do RGBs:
- Ailen Plant: R:255, G:136, and B:0.
- 1 Barrier: R: 255, G:0, and B:0.
- 2 Barriers: R:0, G:0, and B:0.
- 2 Barriers: R: 255, G:255, and B:255
- 1 Barrier: R:0, G:251, and B:255.
- One Haybale Stack: R:0, G:0, and B:0.
- Laser: R:0, G:85, and B:255.
- Wooden Pole: R:0, G:0, and B:0.
The remaining haybale stays the same color.
Here’s what you’ll need and do with the crab one (Crab Meat)
(The second foe mentioned above):
- 5 Barriers
- 2 Lasers
- 4 Racing Flags Red
- 3 Red chemicals
- 4 Metal Poles
- 1 Laser Manager
Here’s the code for the Laser Manager:
Then the code for the lasers:
![Screenshot 2024-03-20 173139](https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/uploads/default/original/3X/a/e/ae4f2ffd22d1e1614dd41c477211ef92edfdd205.png)
Now we’ll do the RGB colers:
- 1 Barrier: R: 255, G:0, and B:0.
- 2 Lasers: R:255, G:0, and B:0.
- 4 Metal Poles: R:0, G:0, and B:0.
- 2 Barriers: R:0, G:0. and B:0.
- 2 Barriers: R:0, G:213, and B:255.
The Red Cemicals and Racing Flags stay the same color.
That’s all for the enimies. If you have any ideas or suggestions ask me to add them, and I’ll do my best.
Sonic's Zone (Where he will run)
So I’ll make this pretty simple. This is what my map looks like:
Tips for Green Hill Zone map:
- Use grass terrian
- Make it flat in some areas, but a little steeper in others. That way the player can gain speed then be forced to climb up a wall or under into a cave.
- Use brown barriers for wall when using dirt.
- Use rocks as stalagmites and staglatites.
- Use Ailen Plants as vines
- Randomly place bushes, flowers, and trees.
How to make a Dr. Eggman boss battle
Since Dr.Eggman is Sonic’s main foe it would only be fitting to include him into a Sonic game.
This part of the guide will include:
- How to make the entrance
- How to make Dr. Eggman
- How to make the battle functional
Battle Entrance
Make the entrance to where Sonic runs into it and it closes. Just do this and it’s done:
Bits and Bobs:
- Zone
- 3 Stone Walls
- 3 Triggers
- 2 Speed modifiers
- 1 Notification
Stone Walls: You can make a zone in the spawn area that when player enters transmit respawn
Speed Modifiers:
How To Make Dr.Eggman
Scroll above and you’ll see the great Dr.Eggman made with:
- 6 barriers
- 8 Corals
- 1 Plant In Pot
- 2 Metal Poles
- 2 Cones
Then this is the coler for them:
- 1 Barrier: R:59, G:59, and B:59
- 2 Barriers: R:163, G:0, and B:0
- 1 Barrier: R: 189, G:177, and B:177
- 2 Barriers: R:0, G:0, and B:0
- Plant in Pot: R:255, G:0, and B:0
- 8 Coral: R:180, G:91, and B:19
- 2 Metal Poles: R:0, G:0, and B:0
- 2 Cones: R:0, G:0, ad B:0
How to make the battle work
You will have needed to have done the last 3 parts for this.
So the battle in the normal Sonic game you’d normally run into the arena and beat Dr.Eggman there. The screen won’t be moving like when you’re running, it’ll just stay still. We’ll be doing that so get a camera view, and while we’re at it get these items too:
- Camera View
- Counter
- 3 Sentries
- 2 Item Granters
- 1 Notification
- 1 End game
- 4 Stone walls
- Stone Terrain (Barrier for background)
Then this is the code you’ll slap into them:
Camera View, Stone Terrian, and Background:
Surround your arena in stone terrian, then make a grey barrier background, finally place a camera view for it.
2 Sentries:
1 Sentry:
1 Item Granter:
1 Item Granter:
Avengers End Game:
The Knuckles Guide (Including the chacter selecter) (Update 1.1)
The character selecter:
I won’t go too deep into this, but it’s basically which Boss battle you choose because if you choose Knuckles you have a climbing boss battle, but Sonic is a sentry fight with Eggman. The way you do that is with 2 buttons, the Knuckles one transmits Knuckles character and the sonic one just sends you into the game.
Knucles Boss fight:
How this will work is Knuckles scales (Tell if that’s the wrong scales) a wall, and when he gets to the top he goes right into the Knuckles climb. Because of Knuckles climbing abilties it’s a climbing battle. First here is the finished product to show you the target:
Next I’ll explain the Knuckles fight, or more like climb.
Not that you’ve seen the target all you have to do is aim and fire, and I’ll teach you how:
The Knuckles special wall: So who remembers the big cave from earlier? No one. Oh, well Ok. The cave Sonic would go into before his boss fight, Knuckles has a barrier that allows him to climb it in order to win. It’s a big ole’ red thing that has this in it:
Now that’s just sctratching the surface. You’ll need 6 more barriers, 6 triggers, teleporters, and 1 button. It’s pretty easy to do once you got the first set of everything because all you do to that is change the channel name. So here’s the first set:
![Screenshot 2024-03-24 073302](https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/uploads/default/original/3X/4/e/4eebfa803adc3cd7c9898cf3aeddf0bbdd411ac4.png)
![Screenshot 2024-03-24 073358](https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/uploads/default/original/3X/6/e/6ed46490b68171f009098982c0d434d8da643ee7.png)
The way you’d make it to where you’re constantly “climbing” is by increasing the signal climb wall 1 to climb wall 2 and so on. I did it 6 times, but the more the more detailed.
Another thing: The way to end the game is by going to the uppermost platform, making a zone that transmits, end game to an end game device and the game ends. (Avengers endgame)
The 2 minute timer
So if a player is a bit slow then the game is easy to finish, so a 2 minute timer makes them “gotta go fast.” Using what Lolo said in this help topic we can make it. Thanks @Lolo.
How do you make a countdown with overlays - #5 by Lolo
Extra Sonic Ideas (You can edit this part of the wiki)
This is a section where you can add any ideas you’d like to see or make in Sonic. If you put your idea here put your name too:
- (Captain-Gim) Knuckles: Climb walls by allowing you to constantly click a button that makes you go up on the sides of things.
- (Captain-Gim) Make a prop animated battle. Make barrier bullets or “teleporting” sentries that a really just turning on and off.
- (Captain-Gim) Make different acts like in the real thing.
- (Blizzy) Make “falling rocks” with zones and props.
- (Blizzy) Make alternating off-and-on lasers
- (Blizzy) Make random land mines that teleport you back to the start
Rate my thumbnail in the comments because I can't put a poll in hide details
I’d like feedback and ideas. I don’t want anyone to make one please.
Future Captain-Gim plans
This is like the scenes after Marvel movies where you can see 20 second trailers for the next movie or show, so this is my version:
- Won-Comics: Comcis that help explain unique parts of Gimkit Creative. Currently working on one that explains how to make a good Battle Royale Steampunk style. It’ll teach you how to make a Steampunk theme with fun gameplay.
- The Book of Tetris 2: Well this was bound to happen…: I obviously can’t make Tetris exactly like it is in Gimkit, so I’ll be changing a few things and rules. Though in a way this is good because it allows for more creativity.
- 1/10
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- 10/10
I voted 10/10.
Well @MOON and @maxmlmm14 For everone who as wondering. Yes this is a game on Discovery. Look at my bio.