How to make screen shake! [1/10]

This is a short guide (Apologies) it only contains 2 steps.


  • 9 Camera Points
  • 1 Trigger
  • 1 Lifecycle

Step 1: Place your Camera Points near the middle of the room, then, spread them out.

Each Camera Point should activate on a unique channel: “CameraShakeX” (The X represents a number between 1-9) and every Camera Point should deactivate on “DeactivateShake”

Step 2:
Get out a trigger that triggers on “TriggerShake” and is invisible and cannot be stepped on.
Create the following block code in said trigger:

Now we need a way for it to trigger, I use a lifecycle to trigger the screen shake.


Now that the game starts, you should have a screen shake in your room!

  • 0/10
  • 1/10
  • 2/10
  • 3/10
  • 4/10
  • 5/10
  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10
  • 11/10
0 voters

This guide gave me an idea:
Has anyone made screen warping yet like in those NES legend of zelda games where the camera moves from one room to another?
Which can be done with fairly spread out camera views.


Nice guide! Im actually making a dungeon map so I will definitely try this tommorow


we can simply use LOTS of wire repeaters/Block code and LOTS of camera points
(My opinions on Block code)


Nice Guide @CustomCoaster !!!


The earthquake is making me BUMP into every wall around me!!!


…it wont work for me!

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You need to have them deactivate on a certain channel as well as activate them.

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Hey, CC!
I need help!
So on the part where you say

on the part where you talk about numbers 1-9, do we have to have each camera point to have each number point 1-9, or do they just have to say “CameraShakeX.”?

No, an example is this:
you continue this until you get to CameraShake9.

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Nice guide!

problem is, what if you are not in the center of the circle of camera points.

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It’s mostly for cutscenes.

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add a zone that surrounds you with invis barriers

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Ok, this explains it. ty!

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like each camera point has a channel like this
Camera point 1 - CameraShake1
Camera point 2 - CameraShake2
Camera point 3 - CameraShake3
Camera point 4 - CameraShake4
Camera point 5 - CameraShake5
Camera point 6 - CameraShake6
Camera point 7 - CameraShake7
Camera point 8 - CameraShake8
Camera point 9 - CameraShake9



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and great guide btw, it’s really helpful

Please, no badge grinding…

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oh my gosh my brothers a JERK he just took my laptop and said “I’m not talking to you” like how rude is that.