How to make @PotionMaster's Profile Picture!

Yes probably. It could have good sides and bad sides. If people don’t just ask questions that they just don’t want to research, then they can find out much more about gimkit then they ever would have before. This also saves helper time. But if they are really struggling, this could make them quit the platform entirely.


@here Off-topic Art Guides can now be flagged, please don’t create any more (according to Jeffo).


wdym off-topic art guides? what classifies as off-topic?

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Basically art guides you don’t need for your game. According to mysz, around 70% art guides are pretty useless, it’s just in my/their opinion.

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How about art guides for stuff people really want, like boats?

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How is it your opinion if it’s according to mysz?

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I NEED THAT. There are boat props and i’ve been annoyed on how it’s still not added yet. How about like car art, i don’t really need a tractor for anything.

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So you contacted Jeffo about it? Anything else we should know?

I asked if there should be an art category:


I got you bro! I’ll get started on it!


Alright, that will clear things up.

Should we make a PSA/announcement on this then?


Bump because it’s a needed reminder of how we don’t need art guides.

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This is well, 17th century words were very, choice, so I do think that this is not needed.

@shinyrowlet that is cool

This is actually relevant now with the new Art tag, I think you can move it there if you really wanted to.

no, as the title is stated.
not needed for the forums
(NVM it’s an art guide, though, still this thing has dusted since September)

there was no need to reply/bump this topic

and it’s in devices for a reason


Ok I just came across this and thought I’d say something because this is technically allowed.

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