How to make PAC-MAN! (with MOVING ghosts!) 3/10 🟨

Wait, i would like to know why so many rated it 3/10.
looks diffi-cult.

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Because there are no blocks

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But theres a lot of g-hosts

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that is just repetition though

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Why don’t you make smart ghosts, so instead of them running in that path, they could run toward the player? Also, you should add the teleporting sides.
EDIT: I forgot to mention: great guide!


This is a nice guide!


Nice guide!


Just a suggestion

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i like it, looks nice :+1:

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I wouldn’t know how to do it but it’s a great idea!

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Just place zones in certain areas of the map. Then, use simple block code to get the ghosts to head toward that zone!

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I have a feeling once I start it’s going to be a lot more complicated than it sounds. . .


Ehh. Depends on how good you are at blocks. Sounds like you aren’t as good as me…
So maybe. But, not to brag, it would be easy for me.

not that I don’t know how to do it, but once I start, I always run into some bug and I’m like- oh no . … . so not for me, but maybe if you wanted to you could try that and make like an upgrade tutorial or something! :smiley:


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Can’t believe people are still replying to this Guide It’s like nearly a year old.

haha- true, I left the forums for awhile, maybe I’ll come back and revisit this guide :slight_smile:

You should! You could make some more good guides like this one!
Since you’re back, I’d suggest you check in on some new rules! Have a great time back!

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I wasn’t aware of new rules, thanks for letting me know! :smiley:

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Umm Blackhole said in that post not to link it to new users. [1]

Not necessarily you. Hth has been doing it recently.

  1. I would have said this in another post but you closed it. ↩︎