How to Make Gimkit Tower Defense [This method is forever gimpossible]

I was bored, so I decided to make a tower defense game.

Table of Contents:

  • The map
  • The spaces
  • Enemies
  • Towers
The map

Ok, so we will start by building a map.
Make your squares like this:

Alternate between two terrain types of your choice. I made my tiles 4 meters long and wide.
Add some sort of prop arrangement for where the enemies will come from.
I’ll use rocks to make a sort of cave.

Now, make something for what you are defending.
I’ll use a space container prop.

The spaces

In order for our map to function, we need each space to have a zone and a teleporter.
You should start by placing a zone in each of the squares, with Gadget Fire Enabled to No (Inside device settings). Make sure they don’t overlap. Here is how mine looks after:

Ok, now to move on to the teleporters.
Place a teleporter inside each zone/square. Make sure the teleporters don’t overlap and are adequately spaced so that they are fully inside each zone. For the settings, set visible in game to no.

Now, for the annoying part.
Wire each zone to a wire repeater that wires to the teleporter in the next zone. (The first teleporter will not have any wires.) The wire repeater should have a 0.5 delay.

The wire settings should be like this:

The wires should start from the beginning (where the enemies spawn) and work their way toward the end (where you’re trying to protect).

Note: this screenshot only shows some of the map, but make sure you repeat the process the whole way through.

Enemies (Section WIP)

Now lets make the Enemies.
I will divide this game into 10 waves.

I will finish this!
Just need to duplicate a bunch of stuff and test. Then I will release the rest in stages.
Also, please don’t start following this guide until it is done.

Note: Planned method of movement patched due to an update: (Patched) How to Make a Sentry Move while carrying damage over! (🟩)



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who edited my poll to set it to two max

Nobody can edit, because nobody is TL4. You might have done multiple choice, which defaults to two.

i set it to 1 max.
I did.

Noice wip

oh, i read this as how to make gimkit total drama


Is that the first thing you did?

hey @Thats_Gimpossible can you post the gimkit tower defense map on wix once ur done i dont have access to discord

Uh… no
“Gimkit Total Drama”


Yeah, I will.

You inspired me with my map lol, how’s the project going?

It’s going ok.
Rn I’m testing some cool things that would be optional. But if they work, I would be able to invent a whole new field lol.


You should add the clay-institute tag if you figure it out!

I think you would have a series of props on each square, and a property for each one. Example: for Wave 1, let’s say there are five IDK, wooden signs. As they move forward, it checks to see if one is destroyed, and when it’s destroyed, set its matching property to “Destroyed”. If it’s destroyed, then it won’t appear at all.
Like this: I destroyed the first sign in the first wave, so the property “enemy1_1” is set to “destroyed”. When it comes to the next frame, it checks to see if the enemy is destroyed, and if it is, then it just won’t appear in the next frame.


I updated it. (still not done)

That is not what the tag is for.

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Sentries can teleport with only one zone. This should save quite some memory, because each zone is 200 memories. Here is my version:

The zone should not be active on start, but instead activated using a button. You can connect each teleporter to a wire repeater that has some sort of delay, and that wire repeater will teleport the sentry into the next one.


What is it for then?

PROBLEMS that are extremely hard. Look at the four posts in the clay-institute tag and you’ll see why they have it.