How to make different places 0/10 or ⬜

Ooh! I love that type! You could use that one if you wanted! I should add a thing, where it says, " Guides if you want more detail, "

Hey if you make a hill section you should make it 3d ( How to make stuff 3d - #20 by WolfTechnology )


all art guides are 0/10 or :white_large_square:

congrats on regular! can you change it to 0/10?

Thank you!
I can


I made it to where there is guides if you want more detail! :slight_smile: ( And gave credit to the people who made it, and reccomened it )

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I’ve decided I’m going to do the Atlantis civilization! ( Because it won :slight_smile: ) I will make it tomorrow.

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I have a question for you people. It may be off topic, but would anyone flag my post if I made a guide on different gim statues? Just curious before I actually start making it.

It depends…
I personally wouldn’t but if it’s short or seems like it’ll never be used, then probably.


I was going to make like king gimrick and pumpgim. You could use the king gimrick for a castle, maybe on the outside.

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I’d personally like to see it!

Chicken Legs!


This looks really cool! My only feedback would be to utilize terrain layers, especially when making the water.