How to make ddakji from squid games!

Hello wonderful people! Today I’ll be showing you how to make ddakji from the TV show “squid games”

ddakji is a traditional Korean game where one throws a peice of paper onto another in an attempt to flip over the paper. In the show you win the Korean currency “won” if you win we will be using the gimkit money for this. Enough talking, lets begin!


x2 damager
x4 popup
x1 barrier
x1 button
x1 item granter
x1 trigger

The art.

First, you want to go to the barrier section and pull out a barrier and color it red. The RGB code for red is 255,0,0. Then remove the outline around the barrier, set the alpha to one, and resize it to the smallest possible size and set it on the floor like so:

Thats all for this section! If you want me to make a guide on to make the train station tell me!

The coding

First take a button, and place it slightly above the barrier. Then set the visibility to not visible in game. Set the button message to “Flip ddajki?”
This is how it should end up looking:

and this should be the button settings:

Next, take out a trigger and put it on top of the button, it will look like this:

Set it so the trigger is not visible in game:

now take out a popup device, link up the button to popup like so:

The you want to into the popup settings and set them to be the following:

now the call to action.:

Now, whenever you go press the buttom, a call to action will appear, the player can either choose to attempt to flip the ddajki or walk away.
Ok, great wire up the popup to trigger like so:

next great a new block in the trigger like so:

alright! you’re doing great, now when you go into the block coding tab, click the variable tab and create a new variable called “ddajki success”

now, pull out the “set ddajki sucess” to block, connect it to a random integer block and make it from 1 to 3.

next, make the “If do block” this block by dragging the else if block twice:

use the “variable” block and set it so when "ddajki sucess = 1, next one if ddakji sucess = 2, etc:

leave the block now, and make 3 channels, they should be the following:

  1. ddakji fail 1
  2. ddakji fail 2
  3. ddakji Sucess!

done? awesome add the broadcasts like so:

phew! that was the hardest part, and it is done now!

exit the block and add 3 popup devices like so:

then, you should make the popups like so

popup 1:

popup 2:

popup 3:

You are so close!
In squid games, if you fail to flip the ddjaki then you get slapped, we can simulate this by dealing 50 damage.

Place down 2 damagers like so:

damager 1:

damager 2:

in squid games, you also get money when winning ddjaki we can simulate this by granting 100 cash.

item granter:

wire the sucess popup to the item granter like so:

last thing is to move the trigger beyond player reach:

aaand your finished. How did I do?


This looks like it could go in a guides of other squid games! Like spydercrafts guides!

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I’ll add it
(Woah, lots of people are making the squid games in gkc)


Don’t forget to mention him on it!
I like including everyone


I wonder why, maybe it that new season I totally don’t know anyways


Then why do you think i made the guide?
Anyway, i added this guide
Edit: please don’t edit my wiki without my permission

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Awesome, thanks!

Explanation: 8/10. Pretty detailed, but one thing that I like to do; I describe the step in full length, and then let the picture back it up. What you seemed to be doing was just letting the pictures tell the full story. But still, very detailed!

Rarity: 7/10. Recently, there’s been a lot of Squid Game guides, but this one, in my opinion, is one of the best mainly because of how well made it is. A lot of the other ones are very short, very basic, and poorly put together. But yours was very good!

Pictures: 10/10. I don’t even need to say anything on this part.

Spelling/Grammar: 8/10. There were a few things I noticed, but it stayed pretty accurate for the most part.

Formatting: 10/10. Great way to create a guide! I love when people use the little “Hide Details” option to organize their guide!

Overall: 8.6/10


Did I add my guide, it was how to make mingle!

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some improvements:

  • you could also change the ddakji color to blue if it’s successful (activate another barrier)
  • for the code, you can simplify it by combining the fail 1 and fail 2 outcomes (so it would be if ddaji success < 3)
  • isn’t the popup redundant because you’ve already had the button prompting you to flip the ddakji? idk just my thought

Nice, it didn’t really occur to me to make it <3.

Could you elaborate on your last point? I don’t really understand it.

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do you really need the popup if the button already prompts you to flip it?

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for memory, its not needed.
But it looks cool :smiley:

Yea, you’re right lol. two steps aren’t necessary at all.

thanks for your critique !

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