How to Make Crates for Gimkit Battle Royale (Difficulty: 3/10 đźź©)

I’ve seen so many guides on battle royales that don’t have this, and there isn’t a guide about it either. When I had my own battle royale game I came up with this system (Map deleted now), so let me lend you a helping hand to make your battle royale a true Battle Royale

Crate & Buttons
  1. First place down a button that is not visible in game with a message saying “Open Crate/Briefcase?” or something similar
  2. Make the button transmit on “GetItem”
  3. Place down a crate or briefcase prop on top of your button
  4. Wire the button to the prop with the wires Button Pressed >>> Hide Prop
  5. Wire the prop to the button with the wires Prop Made Hidden >>> Deactivate Button
    If you’re done it should look like this (can’t see wires because the prop is on top of the button)
    That’s it for the easy part. Now we get to the hard part :smiling_imp:
Random Item Granting System (RIGS)

You can either follow this, or follow a fishing guide. I recommend following this guide or Blizzy’s guide like I did

  1. Place down a trigger and make it trigger when recieving on “GetItem” (Ps, don’t make it trigger on player collision and make it not visible in game)
  2. Go to the blocks tab and make a new block when triggered
  3. Get a list of all the items you want (or copy mine) from lowest to highest rarity and code them like this
  4. Place down the item granters for all the items and make it grant with the corresponding channel

    Now you have a working RIGS system that should look something like this

If you’ve done everything correctly your system should look something like mine:

Now you have an actual Battle Royale

How easy is this guide?

  • 0/10 :white_large_square:
  • 1/10 :blue_square:
  • 2-3/10 :green_square:
  • 4-5/10 :yellow_square:
  • 6-7/10 :orange_square:
  • 8-9/10 :red_square:
  • 10/10 :purple_square:
  • 11/10 :black_large_square:
0 voters

Nice guide! I was just looking for something like this for my map a little while ago!


Thank you!

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Please vote! I want to get the rating on the title asap!

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Great guide!

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Thank you so much!

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1 more vote and I will add rating

nice guide! wait… there is a crate block prop??

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I think you should add more than just weapons like shield and health thats what I did once for my crates and maybe make it so it drops multiple items

but Great guide

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I think in my own battle royale game before I deleted it I added a medkit, but yeah thats good suggestion but people can add as much as they want theoretically so yeah

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An alternative is to make the prop take damage.
Prop destroyed → Grant Item

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what do you mean?

yeh add both since opening and breaking do the same thing

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Huh? I don’t get what you guys are saying

oh wait, i’m slow. I thought this as my walls for box fight guide

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hoe do you get the variabe else if do?


If you’re asking how to make it bigger, you’ll want click on the gear of the “if____ do_____” block. It will add “else if” blocks and an “else” block. Don’t forget to add the else block once you’re done putting else if blocks.


Nice Guide! I see so many battle royale guides, so I might use them…

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thank you so much it is working now! your a lifesaver! :slight_smile: