How To Make Crafting, Difficulty⎹(:Green_Square:)

every time i click on the checker it opens a speed modifier screen

Ah, you have a “I clicked on a device/prop/wire and it opened the menu for a different device/prop/wire glitch”. What I do to resolve it is spam click and spam the “m” key at the same time. After that, try clicking on it again.

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thanks, it’s fixed!

uhhh didn’t i already make a crafting guide? at least you did it differently. so idrc do what you like I’m barely active on the forum anyways

uhh didn’t i credit you? :-:

I think this guide is fine.




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Dang, this is old, brings back memories.



I deleted this because I don’t feel like arguing with people. It is frustrating that I made a comment on how this guide was good and it was sad that they added crafting tables because this was good and yet I get accused of necroposting.

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(post deleted by author)

That’s not a necropost…
It’s a bump. This is a guide…

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