How to make closing doors like in Fnaf one

This is just something i felt like someone would want so here

First get 4 game overlays then 4 wire repeaters make sure the the overlays are buttons.

After that take to first overlay and name it (close right door) and put it over to the right(same with left one but putting over to the left and naming it close left door).

After that take the 3rd Overlay and name it (open Right door) and put it over the (close right door) overlay and make it non active on game start(same with the 4th on but naming it open left door and putting it over close left door overlay).

also make sure the overlays on the right have there placement on the top right of the screen

Take the first wire repeater and connect the (close right door) to the wire repeater and put the settings as (button pressed — Run the wire pulse) same with the overlay on the left.

now take the wire repeater and connect it to the overlay that should be over that other overlay and make it (When the wire repeater receives a pulse — show overlay) Then also take the wire repeater and connect it to the (close right door) overlay and make it (When the wire repeater receives a pulse — Hide overlay) same with the overlays on the left it should be looking like this after.

now take the top left overlay and connect it to the 3rd wire repeater and make it (button pressed — Run the wire pulse) then take the wire repeater and connect it to the same overlay and make it (When the wire repeater receives a pulse — Hide overlay) then take that same wire repeater and connect it to the bottom left overlay and make it (When the wire repeater receives a pulse — show overlay) same with the ones on the right. after it should look like this.

Time for what the doors.

You can use and prop Ex barriers put one on the left side of you and one on the right side of you and make them bot (visible on game start? NO) now take the bottom left overlay and connect it to the left barrier(door) and make it (button pressed — show prop) same with the right ones.

Now take the top left overlay and connect it to the left barrier and make it (button pressed — Hide prop) same with the right side. After this it should be looking like this.

Then boom your done try it in game and see if it works bye!
also look at this

um, where’s the guide though?


Where’s the guide?

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off topic… if this a wip, pls add a wip tag

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we dont use that anymore

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sorry guys it keeps glitching i will get it done soon

you have 1 day to do this

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says who? and why if u could tell me?

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says discourse and i think everyone learned the hard way

Litterally everyone, the forums say so

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