How to Make Checkpoints With a Score for an Obby (Difficulty 2/10 or 🟩)

This was originally for @FersionSpeedy but honestly this would be a good guide for everyone

Leaderboard Setup
  1. Click the gear button on the bottom right
  2. Click “Map Options”
  3. Click on teams and copy my settings
  4. Place down a property and make it a number and name it score
  5. Go back to the map options and copy these settings in the score tab

    Now you’re done and you have a property!
Stages & Checkpoint
  1. Place down all 3 of these devices Zone, Checkpoint, Counter
  2. Set the counter scope to player
  3. Set the target value to however many stages you want in your obby
  4. Put this in the property tab for the counter
  5. Wire the zone to the checkpoint with, Player Enters Zone >>> Set As Active Checkpoint
  6. Wire the checkpoint to the zone with, Checkpoint Activated >>> Deactivate Zone
  7. Wire the zone to the counter with, Player Enters Zone >>> Increment Counter

    It should look something like this if you’ve done anything correctly

(Also wire all your other zones and checkpoints(stages) to the same counter)

Now you have fully functioning checkpoints for your obby!
You’re welcome!


Thank you!


No problem! Hope your game goes well and tell me the map name when you publish it! (If you do)


Cool guide! This is getting a like from me! Now I need to avoid burning down my computer in the process…


lol, thank you so much

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what’s an obby again


its like an obstacle course started from roblox

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also why is this 4/10


prob 1.5/10. just putting it in a hidebox because

  1. you don’t need to obey this
  2. might hurt your feelings for showing what you think is hard for you and not others

I was gonna do 2/10 but it uses property and stuff so i will change it to 2

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A similar system is integrated into one of my guides, but yours may help some other people.

Also, this is 2/10.


Nice guide!

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