How to make box pvp walls

I can’t make the walls work

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i want the walls to open when all players get a certain item

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Inventory manager can be used to do actions when the player gets a certain item.
In this case, you want to make it so when you get that item, it will tell the walls to open.

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Have a checker that checks if the amount of an item is greater than 0. Wire it into a device system like so:

Input → relay (all) → the checker (check passes) → counter-property (increment). You could have the input be a Lifecycle → triggerloop, to have it continually check. On the triggerloop, you also need to have a player counter property be compared to the counter-property. If they are equal, deactivate the barriers.

Hope this helped!


Can i set it to greater then 0?

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Actually, greater than 0 is what you should set it to. Thanks for catching that mistake!

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