How to make bedwars, the Valxian Version! Difficulty: ?/10[?]

I’ve seen many different guides on how to add pieces of bedwars, and the newest guide was making bedwars! I now have decided to make my own, but with all guides smashed together(and a couple personal ideas).


You can make your bedwars map look however you’d like. It can be space theme, war type, under water, and more! I encourage you to be as creative(pun not intended) as possible, but here’s what you should do to follow the guide:

  1. 4 different teams, each different colors
  2. Add 4 diamond(or something like diamonds) generator islands in between each team islands
  3. Make a middle island for emeralds(or something like emeralds)
  4. Add a bunch of barriers for each block you do like this:

I will later explain why you need all these things.

Add a text for the gadget area that says, “you can only chose one path so chose wisely!”
The gadget areas should be on all team maps.


For each team you will create a seperate item generator. You can make a small room near the base of the team. You can follow this guide for an idea of what I did:

Like in the guide: add a zone(when player enters it) wired to a repeater(interval: 1.0s, Stop when recieving on channel, Repeater runs task) wired to a trigger(No delay, block code: when triggered), block code:
Add a second trigger!
Wow, lots of block code! Basically what it is doing is that it checks what level the item granter is, grabbing a property. Property:
Then, it sends a message on a specific channel dependent on the level of the item granter and on what the chance lands on. Here are the item granters:
And there you have it! Oh, but one last thing. From the original zone, wire it to a wire repeater. Player leaves zone —> Repeat wire pulse! Then, wire the wire repeater to the repeater, to stop it. This will allow for the player only to get the rewards when they are in the zone.


For each team I will have two specific gagdets that the others don’t(maybe some abilities later on). First, add the two gadgets you want: I chose(for the bolts) the zapper and the snowball launcher. Here’s the setup for the gadgets:
Now add two buttons, like this(and with these settings):
Make sure that the second button(for the other gadget path) deactivates when the first button is pressed using a wire that is wired to a wire repeater and then wire the wire repeater to the button. Do that for both buttons, make sure to use two seperate wire repeaters. Now, onto the gadgets!
Add a button for each upgrade like this:

Lot’s of wires, am I right! Well, don’t worry. You can use channels, but in this guide I’ll be using wires(mainly because I’m a big fan of them). I’ll explain this bit by bit! First, you must have the buttons for each upgrade deactivated on game start. Second, wire the wire repeater for the first gadget path to the first button for the first upgrade of that gadget path, and have it become active. Then wire the first to the checker that will check if the player has enough in-game currency to get the gadget, if it passes: wire it to grant the item and wire it to activate the second button, do this until you reach your last upgrade. This will force players to buy every upgrade before getting the last upgrade. Do this same process for the second gadget path.

Difficulty poll:

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0 voters

Credits: Me, Gimkit team, and everyone else who made a guide for bedwars(too many to write about)!



Use an average poll, it’s more accurate

Difficulty Poll
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0 voters

Ok, thanks for the sugestion! How would I add it?


Nice guide!


On the poll setup menu, click on the settings button, and then select “Number Rating.” The max choice should be 10.


Wow, this is a really good guide! Very in-depth!


burmpity burmpity burmp


For the beggning section what does it mean " Repeat wire pulse! Then, wire the wire repeater to the repeater, to stop it. This will allow for the player only to get the rewards when they are in the zone." Im having trouble figuring that out

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Did you make sure to add a wire repeater?


just realized that, my brain was not functioning. tysm


also, for the droppers, you added a upgrading system, how would you execute that in-game with something like research?

Sense there is only one type of research, you can’t exactly do my set-up, but you can change the amount of granted research instead.

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I never saw this, cool!

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but even without that, how does your upgrading system work?

Well mine hasn’t been implemented yet, but as I progress in this guide so will that be added. Here’s the idea for what could become yours:
Add a button for upgrading and then wire it to a trigger. The trigger checks for the current level, the current research and then it checks if it can go to the next level and removes the research and updates the property. Inside your block code for the item granting you should change the two triggers to none. Instead, replace the two triggers with just one item granter. This item granter should grant research. Add block code for this item granter to check for the level and grant the research accordingly. I would add multiple levels instead of just 3 for this sense you use a different setup.

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this is a really complex guide! it’s so cool

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Oh, nice ill be sure to use this . Thank you so much

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