!! DISCLAIMER !!: No pictures will be available for this tutorial. It’s 21:16 and I’M TIRED!!!
- go to the devices tab, and add a button.
- enter the options of the button by clicking on it.
- you can change the Button Message to whatever you want. I’ll change it to pick up cash
- change the When button pressed, transmit on to your channel name of choice. I’ll go with pickup
- MAKE SURE to change the Visible In-Game to NO. this is really important as you dont want a massive button next to a tiny picture.
- if you want to, feel free to change the Interaction Duration period to however long you want it to be. I’ll keep it as 1 second.
- to finish this up, go back to the button and go to the Availability tab.
- go to Deactivate when recieving on, and put in the channel name of choice. I put in pickup.
- go back to the devices tab and select the item image device.
- place the item image close to, or on top of the button.
- change the Item option to an item you want the player to pick up. I’ll go with the cash sprite.
- go to the Availability tab.
- scroll down to Hide when recieving on and change it to your channel name. I went with the name pickup, so that’s what I’ll put in.
- go back to the devices tab, and place down an item granter device.
- change the Item To Grant to the item you want the player to pick up.
- change the Grant item when recieving on to the channel name you went with. i put in pickup.
Congrats! You have made an item you can pick up! Good job!
Edit: gee golly willikers i understand i need pictures the next tutorial i make will have pictures