How to make an Explosion in Gimkit (šŸŸ§)

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Nice! Black is back as a difficulty!

It was more of a joke, but there might be that one personā€¦

Iā€™ma close the poll at the end of the day.

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there is also blue and white (for white make sure it is white large square)

By the way @Eleni I hope you donā€™t mind I made another guide on explosions.

Shamelessly Bumping my own post

You donā€™t have to give me credit.

b u m p

I made a guide on this too! But I removed the triggers.

Also, BUMP

really nice guide
sorry for being inactive guys
just havent been in the mood to play/check on gimkit these days
deserves a heart


Can you send me a link? I havenā€™t seen this yet.

Oh, I got flagged and removed. It said the guide was already on the fourms, but thereā€™s 5 sliding door guides on the fourms!

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This is good but the delay is kinda slow

Yeah, itā€™s an old guide and I just wanted to show whatā€™s possible. You can easily adjust the timings in the triggers though.

You can also adjust the timings in wire repeaters too, thatā€™s what I use for my explsions.

My bad, itā€™s been a really long time since I made this. But yeah, itā€™s the wire repeaters you want to adjust.


Bump because this guide is amazing
