How to Make an Emergency Meeting in Among Us!

For whatever reason, I thought the original pfp was toothless from How to Train Your Dragon.

Why is everyone getting new profile pictures (you’re going to peer pressure me)

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Yours is pretty good, is that Darth Maul in the background, I’m not sure.

:confused: Darth Maul??

look at the very left you can see darth maul in the background of your pic

It’s the Death Star…

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I was talking about your user card pic

Oh that’s my low-level drawing of Darth Revan

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i just found it on pinterest so i don’t really know where it came from but this is the image

i’m not sure if that is funny or serious.

Safe to say it tried to be serious about this command but miserably failed. Dark times those were.

Also, I don’t know why the comment above is flagged, it was something about telling Kyro where that image is from.


Hey, @Tom! Nice guide! Suggestions are good to post on!

hey threr[quote=“Tom, post:1, topic:1533, full:true”]
If Gimkit sees this, I reccomend making one last game mode before the school year ends!
Hey there! My name is Tom. I created a mini guide for everyone on how to make an emergency meeting in Among Us
I’ve come across this question a few times now. Some are about how to MAKE the whole game. Some questions are just about how to make an emergency meeting, make tasks, make a venting system, and a LOT more. So I decided to make a tutorial on all three questions that I just mentioned above. I hope this helps everyone that reads this post!

First Question: How to make an emergency meeting

This tactic works perfectly, so feel free to use it any time! But try this tactic and reply to this post if it doesn’t. This takes less than ten minutes to do!

Step One : Obviously, put down that table. Classic AMONG US. :sunglasses: The table can look however you want. However, I suggest placing down one of the large, round tables. This would be better because it makes it look more like among us.
I don’t think you need a picture, it’s pretty self explanatory. (By the way, it’s in the “props” section)

Step Two: Next, put down a button. I recommend you place it on top of the table (It doesn’t really matter. As long as it is by the table, that’s fine). Keep in mind that if the button isn’t close enough, the player won’t be able to activate it. Also, make sure the button (if on the table) is close enough so that the players can press it. Keep in mind you can make the button visible or non-visible if you want. For decoration, you can put down something by the button so that it looks like you are actually using something to call an emergency meeting. Lastly, (for step 2) make it transmit a message of your choice.

Step Three: First, place down a “popup” device. Next, make the header text say “Somebody has called an Emergency Meeting. Please come to the meeting table. If you take too long, you will be kicked out of the game.” After this, make sure the popup style is “modal.” Lastly, make they popup open on the channel you gave for the button (in my case the channel name is Emergency Meeting) .It does not matter where this device is placed on your map.

Step Four: Place down a waypoint device. Then, make the waypoint name “Meeting Table.” After this, make the waypoint deactivate when the player is in range. Make the automatic deactivation range three meters. Make sure the waypoint is NOT active when the game starts. Make the waypoint active on the channel you have been using (in my case, the channel name is Emergency Meeting).

That’s It!
Hopefully this mini guide helped you!


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Hey, you can’t just copy someones guide! This was made by @Tom.


I think they tried to quote, but they messed up the formatting.

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Yeah, looks like that

Yup. Look at the top, where the quote isn’t on a line by itself. And the quote at the bottoms proves the tried.

Ah, this was the first post I ever liked.

Has anyone ever made security camera in among us?

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Yes, really annoying though