How to make an easy player counter (VERY EASY *in my opinion)

Creating a player count is a simple process. Firstly, place a Lifecycle on the game and ensure it’s set to “Broadcast on: Game Start”. Next, add a Relay and set it to “All Players” by default. Then, place a counter and connect the Lifecycle to the Relay, and the Relay to the Counter’s “Count Up” option. Finally, modify the Counter’s property settings to update your chosen property. Also, insert a property, give it the same name as the Counter’s property, and change its type to a Number. It should look similar to this:
You can also add another Lifecycle set to “Player Knocked Out” to the counter’s “Count Down” option for a player count that will update when a player is knocked out (Only do this if after a player is knocked out they are set to spectator)


This is short and may get flagged. Maybe add pictures, extras, etc.

Welcome to the forums @Giasfelfebhreber! Unfortunately, this is a dupe.

I have a question. What would happen if someone left the game?

I’ll do that, I knew I was forgetting something.

Welcome @Giasfelfebhreber (How do you pronounce that?)

I feel like my explanation is simpler and easier to understand

Go to a different explanation, for example, go to one about a live player counter. (I don’t know how to check when a player leaves)

Welcome to the Forums @Giasfelfebhreber!

  1. A little bit short but pretty easy to understand!
  2. Welcome to the forums, @Giasfelfebhreber!

Pictures are powerful!