How to make an avocado

Two dark green circle barriers,
2 light green circle barriers,
1 brown circle emoji.

You can also use the emoji. :avocado:
But great art guide!

I could show ya a trick or 2

yes but to 3d and to easy

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Tbh you should have put this in @G-Code549’s food wiki. Also this kinda reminds me of the banana guide, which got closed because it wasn’t useful.

well it’s in my guide @Stealthknight2 found it

this is a good guide (i love easy guides/ barrier guides)

he did already… ‘-’

Yeah you can @D0DG3 I don’t Mind!

to make it look better, try turning the transparency to 1 on the barriers, and remove the stroke as well

We don’t need an entire guide on this because people probably won’t need a huge avocado in their games and won’t use this.


This is just barrier art, and you can probably make it smaller, this guide is fine.

small avocado


Screenshot 2024-10-11 8.24.05 PM

that looks juicy btw cool guide

u should probably refer to G-Code549 guide

The main point of art guides is to cover wide-ranged certain topics/groups of art that people will have a frequent use in their maps not random art that won’t have a lot of use in. Stop making art topics that only take 1-5 minutes as scramble for likes whenever you get an idea about something that hasn’t been made into a guide yet and decide to turn it into a couple minutes work of sloppiness that won’t help anyone.


WOW very nice :roll_eyes: @ShadowShade

Would it give you satisfaction if I gave you a compliment that I didn’t mean over saying criticism which could help you prevent making the same mistake in the future? Instead of taking the criticism directed at you, you simply decide to ignore it and act like the criticism is “mean”.


W ShadowShade
Constructive criticism and “not nice” are two separate words, please don’t ignore and being rude when someone said those to you. I won’t be surprised if this post got flagged.