How to make Among Us Task List [harharharian] (Difficulty: 5/10 or 🟨)

Hello! Today I will be showing how to make the Task List from Among Us. Now to address the first question everyone will ask: isN’t theRe aLrEadY a gUidE on tHis? . And the answer is yes. There were two that I could find: Hasai’s and Magenta_Dragon’s. Now here is the important bit, why mine is different. Mine does the following that is different:

  1. Give all players the same Common Tasks
  2. Gives all players different Short/Long Task
  3. Will show how far along you are in each task (ie. Fix Wires [2/3])
  4. Will randomizer which area your tasks is (ie. If you have Clean Vent, it is random where it is)

Anyway here are the other guides to credit them:


How to create task list like Among Us! [Difficulty đźź© or 3/10]

Now let’s jump right into… wait, wait, wait.
What sounds better:

Which one sounds best?
  • harharharian method
  • harian method
  • 83ian method
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Warnings :warning:

WARNING: Memory Intensive (Uses ~10%)
WARNING: Device Intensive
WARNING: Includes Blocks
WARNING: Length Alert
WARNING: Major Repetition
WARNING: Unclear Sections
WARNING: Organization is key. Make sure you are organized!!!

NOW, let’s jump right into:

How to make Among Us Task List [harharharian method]


  1. Starting the Randomizer
  2. Short Task Assignment
  3. Long Task Assignment
  4. Common Task Assignment
  5. Pop-Up

Chapter 1: Starting the Randomizer

So, this part is short and sweet, it’s really just making sure you have some flavor text in your game that covers up the code that is running.


  • 1x Pop-Up


Okay so for this make pop-up it shows the role of the player (crewmate) and make it fun and colorful and add some flavoring. Here’s what I cooked up:
Now to get into the coding :clap: rubs hands together

Set Closable by Player to No. Make a Call to Action named Go! transmit on Start Task Assignment. Make sure the Pop-Up closes when receiving on Start Task Assignment.

When the player clicks Go! the computer will run the blockcode and choose the player’s tasks (described below).

Chapter 2: Short Task Assignment

This is going to be the meatiest part of the guide. It will assign each player 3 unique Short Tasks, picking from a list of nine.


  • 3x Item Granters
  • 6x Triggers
  • 6x Properties

Item Granter 1 (Task ID Assignment)

This Item Granter’s sole purpose is to be a vessel for code.

When receiving on Start Task Assignment run this blockcode:

So, what is the easiest way for a computer to recognize things? Numbers! So each task has an ID. What this chuck of code is doing is creating 3 ID, making sure none are the same, and then setting the ID Properties with the ID’s.

Properties 1-3 (Short Task IDs)

Make all of them a player-scope, number property, with a default of 0. Then give them each a unique name and “When property value changes, transmit on” from the list

Name - When property value changes, transmit on...
Short Task 1 ID - Assign Short Task 1
Short Task 2 ID - Assign Short Task 2
Short Task 3 ID - Assign Short Task 3

This property stores the ID while it waits for it to be transferred into a text properties.

Triggers 1-3 (Assigning Tasks)

Make these triggers each have their own unique settings:

Trigger when receiving on... - When triggered transmit on...
Assign Short Task 1 - Assign Short Task 1 Name
Assign Short Task 2 - Assign Short Task 2 Name
Assign Short Task 3 - Assign Short Task 3 Name

Now, give each trigger a blockcode that looks like this:
Assign Short Task 1
Assign Short Task 2
Assign Short Task 3


Based on the ID given, the code will broadcast on channel Assign [TASK]. So say you have the Clean O2 filter task. On game start the button that is used to access Clean O2 Filter will be deactivated. However, when receiving on Assign Clean O2 Filter the button will activate. As for the channels that are Start Assign [TASK], they will dealt with next.

Item Granter 2 (Assign Clean Vent)

So this is one of the tasks that can happen in any room that has a vent. So we have to run some code to make sure that you have a unique room to clean vent in.

So once again we are just using this item granter a vessel for code. When receiving on Start Assign Clean Vent run this code:


When a player gets the Clean Vent Task, the computer decides which room you will have Clean Vent in. Since 14 rooms have vents the computer will run a check to randomize which room. Then it will transmit Assign [LOCATION] Clean Vent to activate that specific button.

Item Granter 3 (Assign Upload Data)

This is the same system as above to assign a specific Upload Data task based on location.

Make another code vessel that runs the blockcode when receiving on Start Assign Upload Data:

So when the computer assigns Upload Data it checks which rooms have the Upload Data task and randomizes which room it will get. Then it will transmit Assign [LOCATION] Upload Data to activate that specific button.

Triggers 4-6 (Naming Short Tasks)

First add a delay: 3 to these triggers. So now these 3 triggers will each run their own blockcode. It will look like this:

Trigger when receiving on...

Trigger when receiving on Assign Short Task 1 Name

Trigger when receiving on Assign Short Task 2 Name

Trigger when receiving on Assign Short Task 3

So now we need the computer to set the ID’s that the computer gathered into text. So for each different Short Task it sets the property Short Task [#] to the text version of that task. You will notice for some of them there is a Create text with block. These are for tasks that have multiple parts. Since this guide isn’t about I will just add a summary on how that works.


So whenever a player completes the first part of the task have it update a counter. This counter should update a property. Make it so when the property updates, it triggers the triggers mentioned before will update the Short Task [#] property with the new tasks done. :face_vomiting: what a yap-fest.

Properties 4-6 (Short Task Names)

Create 3 properties that are player-scoped and transmit on Pop-Up Edit when it changes. Give each of them a unique name from the list:

Short Task 1
Short Task 2
Short Task 3

When the property changes with the task name it will broadcast on the channel to change the Task pop-up.

Here is an example of what it should look like now:

Phew! The meatiest part of this out of the way. We can move onto simpler things. Yippy Skippy!

Chapter 3: Long Task Assignment

Okay so this is similar to Short Task Assignment except smaller and simpler.


  • 1x Item Granter
  • 4x Properties
  • 4x Triggers

Item Granter (Long Task Assignment)

You’ll never guess what this item granter is for. It’s a vessel for code! Okay so when receiving on Start Task Assignment run this blockcode:

Similar to the beginning of Small Tasks Assignment the computer is creating a unique ID for each Long Task ID by assigning a random number and then making sure none of them are the same. However, this one only has 2 tasks so it is simpler.

Properties 1-2 (Long Task ID)

So make each property a number property that has a default of 0. Make them player-scoped. Now give them each a unique name and “When property update, transmit on”

Name - When property changes transmit on...
Long Task ID 1 - Assign Long Task 1
Long Task ID 2 - Assign Long Task 2

The computer will store the ID’s of both long tasks here.

Triggers 1-2 (Assign Long Task)

Give each trigger a unique “trigger when receiving on” and “when triggered transmit on”.

Trigger when receiving on... - When triggered transmit on...
Assign Long Task 1 - Assign Long Task 1 Name
Assign Long Task 2 - Assign Long Task 2 Name

Assign Long Task 1
Assign Long Task 2

Based on the ID given, the code will broadcast on channel Assign [TASK]. So say you have the Submit Scan task. On game start the button that is used to access Submit Scan will be deactivated. However, when receiving on Assign Submit Scan the button will activate.

Triggers 3-4 (Naming Long Tasks)

First, give each trigger a delay of 3 seconds. Okay so give each trigger it’s own blockcode:
Trigger when receiving on Assign Long Task 1 Name

Trigger when receiving on Assign Long Task 2 Name

So now we need the computer to set the ID’s that the computer gathered into text. So for each different Long Task it sets the property Long Task [#] to the text version of that task. You will notice for some of them there is a Create text with block. These are for tasks that have multiple parts. Since this guide isn’t about I will just add a summary on how that works.


So whenever a player completes the first part of the task have it update a counter. This counter should update a property. Make it so when the property updates, it triggers the triggers mentioned before will update the Long Task [#] property with the new tasks done.

Properties 3-4

Make a player-scope property that transmits on Pop-Up Edit when it changes. Give each property a unique name:

Long Task 1 Name
Long Task 2 Name

When this property is edited with the name of the task, the property will edit the Task Pop-Up.

Gah! That was sooooo much! Anyway we are almost done. Keep on truckin’!

Chapter 4: Common Task Assignment

Okay this part IS SUPER SHORT because it is one Common Task: Fix Wiring.


  • 1x Item Granter
  • 1x Trigger
  • 2x Property

Item Granter (Assigning Start Room)

You’ll never guess what this Item Granter is! A vessel for code! When receiving on Start Task Assignment run this code:

This code will tell the computer to assign the location of the fix wiring task and then set the Fix Wiring ID to it.

Property 1 (Fix Wiring ID #)

Name this player-scoped property Fix Wiring ID # and make it number with a default of 0. When it updates, transmit on Assign Fix Wiring

When this property is assigned its ID it will start to assign the task itself.


When receiving on Assign Fix Wiring run this blockcode:

So, this code will store the name of task inside of the property, “Fix Wiring”

Property 2 (Fix Wiring)

Name this player-scoped property Fix Wiring and have it transmit on Pop-Up Edit when updated

When this property is changed, the computer will set it into the Task Pop-Up.

YES! We are in the homestrech now!

Chapter 5: Pop-Up

Last chapter! You can do this!


  • 1x Game Overlay
  • 1x Pop-Up

Game Overlay

Make this an button overlay named Tasks that transmits on Pop-Up Open when clicked. Set visible on game start to no. Have it show on Start Task Assignment and have both scope sets to team.

It’s a button only available for crewmates. Literally just a button.


Set open pop-up when receiving on Pop-Up Open and have the content scope set to player. The last thing you need to do is have when receiving on Pop-Up Edit run this blockcode:

This code will set the pop-up to show the player’s tasks.

I will clean this up later, I gotta go home :slight_smile:

What is the difficulty?
  • 0/10 :white_small_square: _square:
  • 1/10 :blue_square:
  • 2/10 :green_square:
  • 3/10 :green_square:
  • 4/10 :yellow_square:
  • 5/10 :yellow_square:
  • 6/10 :orange_square:
  • 7/10 :orange_square:
  • 8/10 :red_square:
  • 9/10 :red_square:
  • 10/10 :purple_square:
  • 11/10 :black_small_square:
0 voters

heh this remind me of that Mira HQ guide @WolfTechnology never finished tbh

great guide I just wish that I could know HOW HOW DO U GUYS KNOW HOW TO USE BLOCK AND MAKE GOOD GUIDES THAT GET A HIGH DIFFCULTY?! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS! but seriously good guide.

another AMAZING guide from harharhar83!
you make so much great stuff
keep up the GrEaT work!

quick question


well that is a loaded question, high-difficulty guides are not a consistent metric for defining if a guide is “good” or not, that is up to the quality, tidiness, and “usefulness”

Also quick suggestion: if you have not already: LEARN BLOCK CODE! it is so useful since it unlocks the game to a new level!

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Block code is actually extremely simple! The hard part is actually the logic which is not so intuitive. The blocks do exactly what they say and you can read out your code just like a sentence in a book. For example: if sample_variable = 1; then broadcast on channel sample_channel ||| See! Simple! :+1:


Thanks! I didn’t realize so many people liked my guides!

My bus is super late at school so I get an hour there and then can usually scrape together an hour during the day when I finish my assignments

10/10 guide would read again

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i get the dig, but not sure if i can even finish it, i no longer have the map.

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bump cause i really need the password to the alt gk discovery

@harharharhar83 please give me it

I’m an admin there so: altGKCdiscovery387