How to make alliances! (Difficulty: 6/10 🟧)

Intro: So @Unit_72 needed help making an system where you can make alliances with other players, so I decided to make this guide. Let’s jump right in!


  • 1x Lifecycle
  • 1x Game Overlay
  • 1x Notification
  • 1x Text
  • 1x Barrier
  • 2x Buttons
  • 4x Barrier
  • 5x Trigger
  • 4-60x Team Switchers

Chapter 1: Showing Teams

Step 1: Use the Lifecycle (1/1). Set the “Event” to Game Start and “When event occurs, transmit on:” Set team.
Step 2: Use a Trigger (1/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Set team. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
Step 3: Use Property (1/4). “Property Name” will be Team #. Set “Property Type” to Number and “Default Value” to 0. The “Scope” should be player and “When property value changes, transmit on:” Your Team Update.
Step 4: Use the Game Overlay (1/1). Set the “Content Scope” to player. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Your Team Update, run blockcode.

Chapter 2: The Interface

Step 1: Use the Text Device (1/1). Set the “Content” to No one wants an ally :(.
Step 2: Use a Button (1/2). Set the “Button Message” to Request Ally!. Set “When button pressed, transmit on:” Request Ally 1. “Activate when receiving on:” Reset and “Deactivate when receiving on:” Open alliances.
Step 3: Return to the Text Device. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Request Ally 1, run blockcode.
Step 4: Use a Button (2/2). Set the “Button Message” to Become Allies with them?. Set “When button pressed, transmit on:” Yes allies. Make sure that “Active on Game Start” is set to No. “Activate when receiving on:” Open alliances and “Deactivate when receiving on:” Reset.
Step 5: Return to the Text Device. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Reset, run blockcode.
Step 6: Use a Property (2/4). Set “Property Name” to Ally Request Team and “Property Type” to Number. The “Default Value” should be 0.

Chapter 3: Switching Teams

Step 1: Use a Trigger (2/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
Step 2: Use the Team Switcher (All). Make sure to set “Switch Strategy” to Specific Team.
Do you see what is happening?
For every team switcher you use (max of 60) you want to set:

Team: Team [#]
Broadcast: switchto[#]

Chapter 4: Notification

Step 1: Use a Trigger (3/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Then, set “Trigger Delay” to 0.5 seconds. Lastly, set “When triggered, transmit on:” Ally Announcement.
Step 2: Use a Property (3/4). Set “Property Name” to Ally Request.
Step 3: Use a Property (4/4). Set “Property Name” to Ally Accept.
Step 4: Use the Notification (1/1). Set “Notification Type” to Info. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Ally Announcement, run blockcode.

Chapter 5: Reset

Step 1: Use a Trigger (4/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Then, “Trigger Delay” to 2. Create a block and set the following blockcode:

Chapter 6: Wrapping Up

Step 1: Use a Trigger (5/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Then, set “Trigger Delay” to 1.5 seconds. Lastly, set “When triggered, transmit on:” Set team.
Step 2: Use the Barrier (1/1). Set “Active on Game Start” to No and “Active Scope” to team. The last thing, set “Activate when receiving on:” Close Allies


The game starts and harharharhar83’s team is 1.

So now Boop here wants an ally so he is going to click this button and the text will magically change:
image → image
Now harharharhar83 will walk over and click the new button to become Boop’s ally! He will respawn, now on Team 2 (Boop’s team) and the Ally space is locked from him and Boop. They entire lobby receives a notification that they are now allies.

Outro: As I said before, I made this to help @Unit_72! Hope everyone else liked it though too! Tomorrow I’m going to clean it up and make it easier to read!

How difficult is this guide?
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0 voters

Thank You Again, @harharharhar83!

1 Like

Hope its clear and not too difficult! :confused:

1 Like

It’s not bad, It’s organized, and it’s got pictures! The only suggestion I could make is

Open This

Hidden Details Like This, To Keep Your Chapters Organized! :+1:


Also, @harharharhar83, I heard you like Matpat Juice (Lore) And I also love lore. Especially pop-ups overlayed on props and hidden rooms in the walls… In Gimkit, of course…


GREAT JOB! this guide is useful and decently difficult 10/10 guide and here is a difficulty poll
(poll deleted by author)


Its so late[1] I forgot to add one…

  1. early? ↩︎

1 Like

you can add your title afterwards if you are TL2…

I meant the poll.
Yeah I’m TL2


you add it to your first comment (I will delete mine), or just add it into your guide…

1 Like

Nice guide! I love its quality! I think I see a problem with it though…

This would make it so that if one player’s team updates, then everybody’s overlay shows that team. You need to set the scope to player for this.

1 Like

Thanks! Yeah, its a typo. Its supposed to be set to player…


Also, what difficulty is it?

I’d say it would be (Difficulty: 5/10 :orange_square:)

Apparently 7/10 according to the community…
I don’t know how true that is though…

1 Like

Then vote in the vote thats in the post


Wow! This is a very cool and advanced guide, @harharharhar83!
Nice guide! :bear: CALIFORNIA APPROVAL™ :bear:

1 Like

Hey, @harharharhar83, I tidied your guide up!

So @Unit_72 needed help making a system where you can make alliances with other players, so I decided to make this guide. (Keep in mind I am writing this at midnight, so it looks a little bad and I will clean it up later).



  • 1x Lifecycle
  • 1x Game Overlay
  • 1x Notification
  • 1x Text
  • 1x Barrier
  • 2x Buttons
  • 4x Barrier
  • 5x Trigger
  • 4-60x Team Switchers
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Showing Teams

Step 1: Use the Lifecycle (1/1). Set the “Event” to Game Start and “When event occurs, transmit on:” Set team.
Step 2: Use a Trigger (1/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Set team. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
Step 3: Use Property (1/4). “Property Name” will be Team #. Set “Property Type” to Number and “Default Value” to 0. The “Scope” should be player and “When property value changes, transmit on:” Your Team Update.
Step 4: Use the Game Overlay (1/1). Set the “Content Scope” to player. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Your Team Update, run blockcode.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Interface

Step 1: Use the Text Device (1/1). Set the “Content” to No one wants an ally :(.
Step 2: Use a Button (1/2). Set the “Button Message” to Request Ally!. Set “When button pressed, transmit on:” Request Ally 1. “Activate when receiving on:” Reset and “Deactivate when receiving on:” Open alliances.
Step 3: Return to the Text Device. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Request Ally 1, run blockcode.
Step 4: Use a Button (2/2). Set the “Button Message” to Become Allies with them?. Set “When button pressed, transmit on:” Yes allies. Make sure that “Active on Game Start” is set to No. “Activate when receiving on:” Open alliances and “Deactivate when receiving on:” Reset.
Step 5: Return to the Text Device. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Reset, run blockcode.
Step 6: Use a Property (2/4). Set “Property Name” to Ally Request Team and “Property Type” to Number. The “Default Value” should be 0.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Switching Teams

Step 1: Use a Trigger (2/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
Step 2: Use the Team Switcher (All). Make sure to set “Switch Strategy” to Specific Team.
Do you see what is happening?
For every team switcher you use (max of 60) you want to set:

Team: Team [#]
Broadcast: switchto[#]
Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Notification

Step 1: Use a Trigger (3/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Then, set “Trigger Delay” to 0.5 seconds. Lastly, set “When triggered, transmit on:” Ally Announcement.
Step 2: Use a Property (3/4). Set “Property Name” to Ally Request.
Step 3: Use a Property (4/4). Set “Property Name” to Ally Accept.
Step 4: Use the Notification (1/1). Set “Notification Type” to Info. Create a block and set the following blockcode:
“When receiving on channel” Ally Announcement, run blockcode.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Reset

Step 1: Use a Trigger (4/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Then, “Trigger Delay” to 2. Create a block and set the following blockcode:

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Wrapping Up

Step 1: Use a Trigger (5/5). Set “Trigger when receiving on:” Yes allies. Then, set “Trigger Delay” to 1.5 seconds. Lastly, set “When triggered, transmit on:” Set team.
Step 2: Use the Barrier (1/1). Set “Active on Game Start” to No and “Active Scope” to team. The last thing, set “Activate when receiving on:” Close Allies

**Overview:**The game starts and harharharhar83’s team is 1.

So now Boop here wants an ally so he is going to click this button and the text will magically change:
image → image
Now harharharhar83 will walk over and click the new button to become Boop’s ally! He will respawn, now on Team 2 (Boop’s team) and the Ally space is locked from him and Boop. They entire lobby receives a notification that they are now allies.

Outro: As I said before, I made this to help @Unit_72! Hope everyone else liked it though too! Tomorrow I’m going to clean it up and make it easier to read!


Durring WW2 Many Alliances were made, including the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers, but after WW2, these Alliances were BUMPed out of existance.


The word “alliance” finds its origins in the Old French term “aliance,” which evolved from “aliier,” meaning to combine or unite. This, in turn, traces back to the L@tin “alligare,” meaning to bind or tie. The concept of an alliance often involves the formal agreement between parties to support each other, typically seen in political, military, or business contexts. Just as small bumps in the road can lead to significant detours, the formation of alliances throughout history has frequently altered the course of events, sometimes in unexpected ways. The word encapsulates the idea of unity and mutual support, foundational principles that have shaped the development of societies and nations.



Bumpity bumpy