How to make a zone that Kicks you out after 1 minute?
Move this to help please!
And also, make it so when player enters zone, start counter that decrements using a repeater or trigger, and when counter reaches target of 0, teleport player to another location.
attach a zone and wire it to a wire repeater, and set the wire repeater to 60 seconds, and then wire that wire repeater to a teleporter and make it teleport you to that place, and then add barriers around the zone, set the barriers to off at game start, and then from the wire repeater, turn on all of the barriers when the 60 seconds is up
Sorry, thank you! I just figured it would be about devices so…
So if one player decides to go ahead and do the leval, and 1 is afk they both get tpd back, how do if I this?
How do you do that? . …
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